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An Undersea Waterfall

An Undersea Waterfall

Greenland-Scotland Ridge looms like a great undersea dam, stretching from East Greenland to Iceland and the Faroe Islands and across to Scotland. Warm, salty Gulf Stream waters flow over it…

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Subterranean Sampling

Subterranean Sampling

Matt Charette, Meagan Gonneea, and Crystal Breier collect and test samples of groundwater in a cave on the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. The instrument behind Charette’s arm measures the salinity, pH,…

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A Sea Far, Far Away

A Sea Far, Far Away

MIT-WHOI Joint Program graduate students Alice Alpert (left) and Liz Drenkard (center), and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service representative Kelsie Ernsberger (right), snorkel above a large coral at an atoll…

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Knock, Knock

Knock, Knock

Underwater hydrophones in the busy Bering Sea record a cacophony of sounds, including “knocks” from walruses. Carter Esch, a MIT/WHOI Joint Program student in the Biology Department, utilizes these tools…

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Live From Indonesia

Live From Indonesia

A computer monitor in the lab of deep-sea biologist Tim Shank displays images and live video from the INDEX 2010 expedition. The mission to explore the depths and diversity of…

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High Wire Act

High Wire Act

Steve Faluotico of WHOI’s Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering Department cleans a sensor on the meteorological mast on R/V Knorr during the September 2012 SPURS cruise to study how salt content fluctuates…

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Tracking the Flow

Tracking the Flow

WHOI scientist Matt Charette and his students travel around the world studying groundwater flow to the ocean from various types of aquifers. Here, he checks the salinity of groundwater samples…

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Keeping Alvin Afloat

Keeping Alvin Afloat

Syntactic foam, show here being mounted on the new Alvin human-occupied vehicle, helps make marine submersibles buoyant, even at great depth. The foam is made up of small balloons of…

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Squid Scan

Squid Scan

WHOI biologist Aran Mooney and Dr. Iliana Ruiz-Cooley, a postdoctoral scientist at the NOAA-National Marine Fisheries Service Southwest regional office, examined a Humboldt squid before scanning its sensory structures at…

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A Day at the Office

A Day at the Office

In October 2012, crew members from the U.S. Coast Guard ice breaker Healy deployed a small boat to recover a mooring from the Beaufort Sea. The mooring was deployed by…

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Tab A into Slot B

Tab A into Slot B

WHOI mechanic Brian Durante assembles a “clevis attachment,” one of four on the new titanium frame of the human occupied vehicle Alvin that connect the bottom lugs of the personnel…

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Coral Reconnaissance

Coral Reconnaissance

Paul Henderson, a researcher in WHOI’s Coastal Groundwater Geochemistry Lab, snorkels near the Yucatan Peninsula to look for large corals for a study of groundwater flow. Because the Yucatan is…

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The Better to See With

The Better to See With

WHOI technician Jefferson Grau inspects a new Alvin viewport (window) to make sure it doesn’t contain bubbles or inclusions such as bits of dirt, which could cause the viewport to…

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Marine Microbes

Marine Microbes

WHOI biogeochemist Mak Saito prepares to drill through six feet of ice to take a water sample during 2009 fieldwork in Antarctica that he later analyzed for dissolved metals. Saito…

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Doing It Right

Doing It Right

Senior welder Geoffrey Ekblaw welds a seam on a titanium main junction box for the new Alvin. The human-occupied research submersible is undergoing a comprehensive upgrade, including a new frame…

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A Hull of a REMUS

A Hull of a REMUS

Senior engineer Ben Allen recently tested a specially equipped REMUS 100 autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) in the test pool at the Rinehart Coastal Research Center. This particular vehicle is designed to…

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Sounds of the Sound

Sounds of the Sound

Aran Mooney looks out across gray Nantucket Sound towards a tower built to monitor meteorological conditions where the company Cape Wind plans to install energy-generating wind turbines. WHOI biologists Mooney…

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Deep-sea Detectives

Deep-sea Detectives

In 2010, WHOI scientists Adam Soule and Dan Lizarralde searched for evidence that magma from  below the seafloor had penetrated up into the sediments of the Guaymas Basin in the…

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Bongo Dip

Bongo Dip

Marine science technician Marshal Chaidez signals to a crewmate running a winch from a control room overlooking the fantail of the U.S. Coast Guard icebreaker Healy to deploy a set of…

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Alvin Takes Shape

Alvin Takes Shape

With the installation of Alvin‘s new personnel sphere onto its modified titanium frame, shown here being attached in November 2012, the country’s only deep-diving submersible began to regain its familiar…

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Cape to Cape

Cape to Cape

On Tuesday, January 15, R/V Knorr left Cape Cod for a 26-day transit to Cape Town, South Africa. From there, it will conduct science missions out of Cape Town; Montevideo,…

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The B12 Claw

The B12 Claw

WHOI scientists recently discovered a previously unknown piece of metabolic machinery that allows algae to grow in the ocean. The cobalamin acquisition protein 1 (CBA1) grabs vitamin B12 out of…

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Reel It In

Reel It In

At the end of an Alvin dive, the deep-diving submersible needs some help returning to the deck of its support ship, R/V Atlantis. To get its 35,000 pounds out of the water…

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