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Farewell to Summer

Farewell to Summer

No, this isn’t  a preview of winter to come. This is a beautiful summer day—in Antarctica, where WHOI glaciologist Sarah Das, MIT/WHOI Joint Program graduate student Ali Criscitiello, and colleagues…

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Tent for One

Tent for One

“Polar exploration is at once the cleanest and most isolated way of having a bad time which has been devised,” wrote Apsley Cherry-Garrard of his time with the 1910 Scott…

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Only 85 To Go

Only 85 To Go

WHOI shipboard technician Dave Sims signals to the winch operator as Courtney Schatzman from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and Sarah Brody of Duke University stand by to recover a…

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New Building to be Dedicated

New Building to be Dedicated

Two years after groundbreaking, WHOI’s newest laboratory building will be officially dedicated September 20, 2012. The Laboratory for Ocean Sensors and Observing Systems (LOSOS) was funded through the National Institutes…

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Making a Splash

Making a Splash

A mooring anchor entered the North Atlantic in dramatic fashion last week from the stern of R/V Knorr. The mooring is part of the SPURS (Salinity Processes in the Upper…

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Cold Bath

Cold Bath

In July, a group of WHOI scientists and engineers led by Fiamma Straneo and Sarah Das deployed a REMUS 100 “ICEBOT” in Saqqarliup fjord in Southwest Greenland. Their work was part…

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Hot Mud

Hot Mud

WHOI marine chemist Ken Buesseler (center) holds two vials of ocean sediment collected from the Pacific seafloor 50 miles from the damaged Japanese nuclear power plant, Fukushima Dai-ichi. In June…

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First of Many Pieces

First of Many Pieces

On August 17, 2012, senior officials from WHOI joined the U.S. Office of Naval Research (ONR) at a ceremony to mark the beginning of construction on the newest ocean research…

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Quick Fix

Quick Fix

Engineer Kyle Covert, who works on the WHOI-operated research vessel Knorr, made modifications to a rock dredge during a month-long cruise to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge this spring. Dredges act like…

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Ready to Go

Ready to Go

WHOI technician Steve Murphy prepares a mooring to be lifted off the deck of the British icebreaker James Clark Ross into the water in August. Murphy was part in one of…

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Smooth Sailing

Smooth Sailing

In August 2012, the US Coast Guard Cutter Healy sailed through unusually light sea ice across Hanna Shoal in the norhtern Chukchi Sea. The cruise was the first in the…

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Tasting Salt

Tasting Salt

WHOI physical oceanographer Dave Fratantoni inspected one of several wave gliders on the deck of R/V Knorr recently. These three will be deployed later this month during the NASA-sponsored SPURS expedition…

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Refitting a Stalwart

Refitting a Stalwart

In 1989, the 20-year-old WHOI-operated research vessel Knorr went through maintenance and upgrades at a shipyard in Amelie, Louisiana. During the refit (shown here), the vessel was cut in half and…

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Target Practice

Target Practice

At sea, technicians and crew have to be ready for anything—from fixing broken scientific instruments to keeping the science party and other mariners safe under any circumstances. Here, Reggie Proctor…

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A Titanic Task

A Titanic Task

William Lange (right), director of the Advanced Imaging and Visualization Laboratory at WHOI, Dave Conlin (center), chief of the National Parks Service’s Submerged Resources Center, and James Delgado (left), director…

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If Found

If Found

In the second of two cruises to study the movement of dense water flowing through the Denmark Strait, WHOI oceanographer Bob Pickart returned to the East Greenland coast this summer…

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Emperor Penguins & Climate Change

Emperor Penguins & Climate Change

At nearly four feet tall, the emperor penguin is Antarctica’s largest sea bird—and one of the continent’s most iconic animals. Unlike other sea birds, emperor penguins breed and raise their…

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Dynamite Recovery

Dynamite Recovery

Jeff Pietro, Scott Worrilow, Chief Scientist Ruth Curry, and an R/V Atlantic Explorer crew member (left to right) recover a mooring line to the fantail of the ship in June.…

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Up the River

Up the River

Sylvia Cole, a postdoctoral investigator in the Physical Oceanography Department, deploys a temperature sensor in Trunk River in Falmouth, Mass., as an instructor in the Woods Hole Partnership Education Program (PEP). Sponsored…

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Core Question

Core Question

WHOI scientist Anne Cohen and Summer Student Fellow Chris Kelly study the core of a coral taken in Palau, a coral reef archipelago located in the far western tropical Pacific. For…

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Collect the Dots

Collect the Dots

Hydrothermal vents three miles down support a variety of life based on chemical energy. This image from a 2012 expedition to the Mid-Cayman Rise led by geochemist Chris German shows…

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A Changing Ocean

A Changing Ocean

In early August, WHOI marine chemist Sarah Cooley spoke at a public event on ocean acidification, which she calls “a side effect of industrialization.”  As the atmospheric concentration of carbon…

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