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All Stop

All Stop

Communication is critical at sea. Here, a crew member from the U.S. Coast Guard iceabreaker Healy signals a winch operator to stop lowering at CTD (conductivity, temperature, depth) […]

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Dance the Arctic Blues Away

Dance the Arctic Blues Away

During long research cruises, particularly when bad weather keeps people indoors for periods, ship and science crews organize “morale events” to raise spirits and help keep the group working as […]

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Whale of a Shark

Whale of a Shark

Two whale sharks feeding with jacks in the Red Sea in May 2010. Whale sharks (Rincodon typus) are rare but widely distributed throughout the world’s tropical oceans. Despite their distribution, […]

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Disaster on the Ground

Chen and Beardsley also used FVCOM to make finely detailed reconstructions of how the tsunami swept ashore in some locations. This simulation shows the series of waves hitting and flooding […]

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Water Flowing Undersea

Water Flowing Undersea

Concealed from view, the bottom of the ocean is covered with of mountains and canyons as steep and deep as the Grand Canyon. Scientists have had indications that powerful ocean […]

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Fire and Ice

Fire and Ice

The U.S. Coast Guard icebreaker Healy operates in the North Pacific and Arctic Oceans from late spring until early winter, helping scientists carry out research in the far north. […]

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