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Alvin Gets the Once-Over

Alvin Gets the Once-Over

A curious “Dumbo” octopus (Grimpoteuthis) investigates deep-submergence vehicle Alvin during a dive to hydrothermal vent fields in the East Pacific Rise in November, 2007. During this research cruise aboard […]

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Two in the Hand

Two in the Hand

The two-bay scallops shown here are bivalves, which is the common name for marine and freshwater molluscs. The raised annual growth rings indicate these scallops are at a harvestable age. […]

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All Together

All Together

Members of a 1947-48 cruise row back R/V Atlantis to the (visible in the background). The primary purpose of the six-month “Med Cruise” was to prepare bathymetric charts of […]

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The Ghost Mooring

Teacher Juan Botella, who participated in a research cruise in the Southern Ocean, describes the recovery of a decade-lost mooring.

By Kate Madin :: Originally published online August 11, 2011

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DynaMITE Images

DynaMITE Images

Research engineer Fred Thwaites, associate scientist Kurt Polzin, research specialist Ruth Curry, and engineer Kevin Manganini (left to right) recover a High-Resolution Profiler onboard R/V Knorr during the […]

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Tour the Knorr!

Tour the Knorr!

Take advantage of a unique opportunity today, August 7, to tour the global class research vessel R/V Knorr. Rain or shine, the public is invited to Woods Hole, to […]

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Captain at Work

Captain at Work

Former captain of R/V Knorr and current captain of R/V Atlantis, A.D. Colburn, is shown at work on the bridge of the Knorr. Captain Colburn commanded the ship […]

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After 43 years of service in oceans around the world, and two major renovations, the research vessel Knorr still looks sharp, as this view looking aft from the bow […]

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Game-Changing Discovery

Game-Changing Discovery

In 1977 during dives to the Galapagos Rift in the East Pacific, a team of geologists working aboard R/V Knorr and Lulu, the support ship for the submersible […]

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Sharks on Cape Cod

Sharks on Cape Cod

This white shark was spotted off Chatham during a tagging cruise in 2010.During the last few summers the number of white sharks on Cape Cod appears to have increased. The presence […]

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Re-fitting Atlantis

Re-fitting Atlantis

A work crew fits the boom to R/V Atlantis‘ new mizzen mast in this undated photograph from the Munro Shipyard in Chelsea, Mass. Atlantis served as WHOI’s globally ranging […]

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Atlantis to Atlantis: Well Done

The science party and crew of R/V Atlantis send a special message to the crew of the space shuttle Atlantis. The two vessels are linked by a legendary namesake–the original […]

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