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When the Stars Come Out

When the Stars Come Out

A constellation of starfish congregates under the WHOI Pier in the late 1980s. Blue mussels, a favorite food of starfish, sometimes settle and grow in huge colonies on the pier. When the…

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Robust Science in a Fragile Environment

Robust Science in a Fragile Environment

A crane lowers equipment for a meteorological station from the deck of the US Coast Guard icebreaker Healy to the ice in the Beaufort Sea, where WHOI technicians John Kemp…

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Underwater Photography Pioneer

Underwater Photography Pioneer

Early in his career, Harold “Doc” Edgerton (shown here working on the WHOI dock in 1959), built underwater flashes and cameras for famed marine explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau. Operating cameras in…

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Just a Little Off the Side

Just a Little Off the Side

Evelyn Mervine, a graduate student in the MIT/WHOI Joint Program, uses a power saw to cut a sample of carbonate rock she collected from an ophiolite in Oman. Ophiolites are…

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Squirts to Reckon With

Squirts to Reckon With

WHOI biologist Mary Carman regales Ocean Science Journalism Fellows Clarke Canfield (center) from the Associated Press and Frank Pope from The Times of London with tales of the damage being…

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Volunteering at WHOI–Priceless

Volunteering at WHOI--Priceless

Each Spring the WHOI volunteers gather to get geared up for a new season. As part of the April 2010 gathering, volunteers were coached by engineering assistant Tito Collasius (seated,…

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Small But Fierce

Small But Fierce

This deep-sea angler fish was collected from a submersible at about 800 meters depth, where little or no sunlight penetrates. Just 3 inches long but fierce-looking, it has a long…

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A Life, Archived

A Life, Archived

Bill Dunkle began his career at WHOI working as a drafter on the third floor of the Bigelow Lab, but he very quickly decided he would rather go to sea.…

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Stone Giants

Stone Giants

The R/V Atlantis works off the coast of Easter Island (Rapa Nui) in the southeastern Pacific Ocean during a 1998 research expedition. During the cruise, researchers used the submersible Alvin…

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CT Scans Reveal Coral’s Secrets

CT Scans Reveal Coral's Secrets

WHOI researchers Neal E. Cantin and Anne L. Cohen examine a Red Sea coral specimen just outside  a CT scanner tube. Their pioneering use of CT scanning revealed that these…

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Piecing Together Titanic

Piecing Together Titanic

This mosaic of the RMS Titanic on the seafloor 2.5 miles below the surface was assembled in 1987 using nearly 100 of the 53,000 images taken by the towed sled…

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Surviving Graduate School

Surviving Graduate School

A group of new graduate students in the MIT/WHOI Joint Program try on emergency survival suits, also called “Gumby suits,” during the 2010 Jake Peirson Summer Cruise. Each year, the…

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Deep-Sea Organisms in Shallow Waters

Deep-Sea Organisms in Shallow Waters

In May, scientists aboard R/V Oceanus collected sediments and water—shown here in a CTD rosette—to examine the dispersal distances of amoeba-like benthic organisms off Massachusetts and Georgia. In the lab,…

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The Track of a Hunter

The Track of a Hunter

The track of the hybrid remotely operated vehicle (HROV) Nereus is depicted here as it hunted for hydrothermal vents in the Cayman Trough in 2009. The green and blue dots…

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Outer Space on the Seafloor

Outer Space on the Seafloor

The discovery of rusticles—rusting iron—on the wreck of the RMS Titanic opened a new field of research into the microscopic bacteria eating the iron. If bacteria can thrive on iron…

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Not all scuba diving occurs in balmy seas or near coral reefs. Scientists dive in Antarctica to collect zooplankton that occur nowhere else, and–as shown here–divers brave the icy waters…

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Welcome Home Atlantis

Welcome Home Atlantis

Nathan (left) and Patrick McGuire, sons of WHOI associate scientist Jeff McGuire, welcome R/V Atlantis home to Woods Hole with the Lego models of the ship they made this summer.…

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Big Shrimp

Big Shrimp

Scientists collected this 2.5-inch juvenile stomatopod, or “snapping shrimp,” in a plankton net in the Arabian Sea. Adult stomatopods live on coral reefs, where big eyes and good color vision…

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The Impact of Storms Past and Future

The Impact of Storms Past and Future

WHOI scientist Jeff Donnelly takes a sediment core in the marsh behind Cape Cod’s Menauhant Beach, to show participants in the 2004 Ocean Science Journalism program a layer of sand…

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Celebrating the End of a Science-Filled Summer

Celebrating the End of a Science-Filled Summer

Students, scientists, and organizers—including Ambrose Jearld (far left, Northeast Fisheries Science Center), George Liles (center, Woods Hole Aquarium), and Ben Gutierrez (third from right, USGS)—recently celebrated a summer of learning…

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The Great Atlantic Hurricane of 1944

The Great Atlantic Hurricane of 1944

On September 14, 1944, with a category 4 hurricane working its way up the Eastern seaboard, WHOI’s research vessel Atlantis was secured to the National Marine Fisheries Service dock in…

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