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Comb Jelly

Comb Jelly

A ctenophore (pronounced teen-o-fore), or comb jelly, is a transparent jelly-like animal often spherical or bell-shaped. They swim by beating rows of tiny combs along their bodies like paddles. When […]

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Alvin engineer and pilot Danik Forsman holds a seafloor heat blanket used to measure the heat flow from the seafloor. Scripps Institution of Oceanography scientist Ross Parnell-Turner reads its weight. […]

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Current Affairs

Current Affairs

The Galápagos Islands are home to species found nowhere else on Earth, such as this land iguana. This unique ecosystem depends on nutrients brought to the islands by the Read More



A thick coat of young barnacles covers this orange float after it had been deployed in the Chukchi Sea north of Alaska for 13 months. Ship hulls, instruments, buoys, and rigging […]

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Spicy and Minty

Spicy and Minty

This artists’ rendition illustrates the unusual confluence of waters that occurs beneath the surface of the Bay of Bengal. From the west comes warm, salty waters (yellow) formed in […]

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Hitching a Ride

Hitching a Ride

An image from a high-powered microscope reveals a microbe that has colonized a microplastic fragment collected in the North Atlantic Ocean. By hitching a ride, such marine microbes entice fish to […]

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Long-Buried Trends

Long-Buried Trends

This is a bird’s-eye view of a blue hole in the Bahamas. In the middle of it, WHOI researchers in a pontoon boat prepare to extract cores of sediments that […]

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Blue Hued

Blue Hued

This image of a blue iceberg, calved off a glacier, was captured on a research trip to waters off Greenland. Its striking color indicates that the ice in it is […]

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Sharp Eyes

Sharp Eyes

Shipboard Scientific Services Group (SSSG) technician Emily Shimada (left) signals a winch operator on board the research vessel Atlantis while Rika Anderson from Carleton College keeps tension on a […]

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Featured Creature

Featured Creature

This alien from outer space is actually a common inhabitant of the world’s oceans. The creature, an amphipod (a relative of beach hoppers) that feeds on other zooplankton called Read More

Storm Tossed

Storm Tossed

Oceanographers working in the North Atlantic always face the prospect stormy weather, but those on a 2010 expedition on the research vessel Atlantis got more than their share. First, […]

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Translucent Beauty

Translucent Beauty

In this image captured by WHOI biologist Larry Madin, a shell-less mollusk (genus Cardiapoda) resembles the head of a translucent ocean elephant. Madin photographed numerous gelatinous ocean animals over […]

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Academic Excellence

Academic Excellence

James Yoder speaks from the podium during commencement celebrations at WHOI in 2010. Yoder, who served as the Vice President of Academic Programs and Dean from 2005 to 2016, retired […]

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How to Hold a Penguin

How to Hold a Penguin

Researchers sometimes have to handle wild animals as part of their work. When handling penguins, they use what’s known as a “rugby hold,” so-called because the penguin’s torpedo-shaped body looks […]

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