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Greenland’s glaciers

Greenland's glaciers

A Conductivity, Temperature, and Depth (CTD) recorder and an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) are deployed in Sermilik Fjord in Greenland where WHOI researcher Fiamma Straneo and colleagues are measuring…

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A plethora of polyps

A plethora of polyps

Polyps of the star coral, montrastrea cavernosa, with a green algae at its center, used as a source of food. Star coral are common in the tropical Atlantic Ocean and…

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Blue ice sculpture

Blue ice sculpture

An iceberg stands between the Antarctic Research Support Vessel Laurence M. Gould and  Palmer Station, as viewed from the Southern Ocean around Antarctica.  Researchers spent several weeks in the winter…

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Coring for Climate Clues

Coring for Climate Clues

In April 2009, onboard the Research Vessel Knorr, the at-sea operations team maneuvers the Long Core release module into place prior to its deployment. The release module has an acoustic…

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A-Frame(d) Atlantis

A-Frame(d) Atlantis

As the R/V Atlantis sails into port, it is seen from within R/V Knorr‘s A-frame while docked at San Diego in June of this year. Owned by the US Navy,…

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Floating without imploding

Floating without imploding

To allow a heavy deep-sea vehicle like Nereus to float in the deepest depths, engineers at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) used an entirely new system of ceramic spheres to…

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Finding Titanic

Finding Titanic

The sunken luxury liner R.M.S. Titanic was located on September 1, 1985 by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution’s new imaging vehicle Argo, towed from the Research Vessel Knorr.  Today the…

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Partially bleached

Partially bleached

Many corals and other marine animals contain dinoflagellate symbionts that provide nutrition to the host from photosynthesis. These symbionts can be expelled from the host following exposure to elevated temperature…

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Deep in the Delta

Deep in the Delta

After their helicopter landed on a remote lake in the Mackenzie River Delta, marine geochemist Daniel Montluçon (in blue),  geologist Liviu Giosan (in grey), and Allen Firth (Gwich’in observer, in…

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Sizing up zooplankton

Sizing up zooplankton

Zooplankton come in a wide range of sizes, for comparison, here’s a Calanus copepod next to a krill. The krill or euphausiid is about one and one-half centimeter long while…

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Collecting and counting

Collecting and counting

Retired WHOI researcher Hovey Clifford instructs Summer Student Fellow Tara Hetz in collecting animals derived from towed samples during the recent cruise onboard R/V Tioga. The glass dish they are…

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Ring around the ear bone

Ring around the ear bone

As a schoolmaster snapper grows, its ear bones, or otoliths, form sequential rings, much like a tree trunk, corresponding to different times in the fish’s life. Each ring in the…

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Nereus at Work

The multi-tasking vehicle will assist with a variety of research needs. By Amy Nevala :: Originally published online June 26, 2006

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Cooking up marine asphalt

Cooking up marine asphalt

Remnants of natural explosions of oil from the seafloor (asphalt volcanoes) are now being observed. Marine chemist and Coastal Institute director Chris Reddy and Dave Valentine of University of California,…

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Who is observing whom?

Who is observing whom?

During a dive to the deep-sea hydrothermal vents at Guyamas Basin (Gulf of California, Mexico), an octopus eyes the submersible Alvin. The dive was conducted as part of an R/V…

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Orca rising

Orca rising

Orcas (Orcinus orca) are toothed whales that hunt large single prey, such as fish, squid, penguins and seals.  Marine chemist Mak Saito photographed this Orca on McMurdo Sound sea ice…

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Hurricane season

Hurricane season

A look at Silver Beach in North Falmouth, Ma., after the hurricane of 1938 shows the extensive damage a hurricane can do to the coast.  Researchers at Woods Hole Oceanographic…

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Charting their course

Charting their course

Jordan Aoyama, a student in the Woods Hole Partnership Education Program (PEP) sponsored by the Woods Hole Diversity Advisory Committee, learns sextant skills from R/V Tioga captain Ken Houtler during…

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Long legs, short body

Long legs, short body

On a 2006 cruise to explore the deep Celebes Sea, expedition scientists collected this 3-centimeter (1.25-inch) isopod — a relative of land-based pill bugs — using a collection chamber mounted…

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Tag, you’re it!

Tag, you're it!

Researcher Leigh Hickmott tags a pilot whale using a digital recording tag (D-Tag) during the Mediterranean 2009 research cruise — part of an ongoing, international and interdisciplinary effort to better…

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A Flash in the Gut

A Flash in the Gut

In 2007 WHOI biologist Laurence Madin led a team of scientists and photographers from the U.S. and the Philippines on an expedition to explore biodiversity in the deep Celebes Sea.…

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