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Making Plastics Micro

Making Plastics Micro

WHOI scientists are using this fragmentation chamber to simulate how waves, sunlight, and sand degrade plastics into tiny fragments in the ocean over time. The chamber provides a motorized platform […]

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Awarding Achievement

Awarding Achievement

Groundbreaking oceanographer Henry Stommel first came to Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in the 1944, less than 15 years after the Oceanographic’s founding. He remained affiliated with WHOI for much […]

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Along for the Ride

Along for the Ride

A CTD instrument is a standard workhorse of oceanography, measuring conductivity (salinity), temperature, and depth as it descends through the water. But this CTD has a special “passenger” attached […]

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Castle Walls

Castle Walls

Through a microscope, this corrugated coral looks like a castle wall. Rather than repel invaders, the coral will catch and eat any of the little arrowhead-shaped crustaceans that get caught […]

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A Cacophony of Sound

A Cacophony of Sound

Sound waves, like these generated by a whale’s calls, propagate far within the ocean. But in shallow waters, sound is confined into a narrower channel between the sea surface and […]

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WHOI coral reef ecologist Amy Apprill tends to a hydrophone setup used as part of an experiment in the U.S. Virgin Islands to study how free-swimming coral larvae […]

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Beneath the Surface

Beneath the Surface

A CTD—a device that measure the conductivity, temperature and depth of seawater—descends through the water of glacial fjord in Greenland. Data from the instrument will help a team led […]

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Imperial Honor

Imperial Honor

Emperor Hirohito of Japan (seated, center) prepared to view samples through a microscope in the laboratory of WHOI geochemist and current scientist emeritus Susumu Honjo (standing, left) during a visit […]

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Asa of All Trades

Asa of All Trades

In 1972, research technician Asa Wing sewed yards of fine-mesh material into a giant, conical sampling net for WHOI biologist Richard Backus, The Falmouth Armory building provided the only […]

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Export Expert

Export Expert

Marine chemist Ken Buesseler (right) deployed a sediment trap from the research vessel  Roger Revelle in the fall of 2018 during the EXPORTS expedition in the Gulf of Alaska. EXPORTS (Export […]

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Dive Partner

Dive Partner

In July 1994, the 105-meter (345-foot) research vessel Yokosuka carrying the Shinkai 6500 submersible, operated by the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), visited WHOI after a joint expedition […]

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Depth of Field

Depth of Field

In the 1940s Dave Owen developed an interest in deep-sea photography–then a field in its infancy. During a cruise to the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas in 1947 aboard the […]

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Whales Have Their Own Dialects

Whales Have Their Own Dialects

Like different human social groups, short-finned pilot whales living off the coast of Hawai’i have their own sorts of vocal dialects, according to a new study by WHOI researchers. […]

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A Kiss from a Clam

A Kiss from a Clam

Giant clams of the Tridacna genus have muscular mantles whose tissue can come in splendid colors, such as this bright blue. Eight species of Tridacna, most threatened by overharvesting, live […]

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Listening in the Depths

Listening in the Depths

Sound carries messages in the watery medium of the ocean. To listen in, scientists use underwater microphones, or hydrophones, to record calls from whales or sound waves from airguns […]

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