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Along for the Ride

Along for the Ride

This juvenile crab was hitching a ride inside the barrel-shaped body of a transparent, gelatinous pelagic tunicate collected at the Liquid Jungle Lab in Panama. Pelagic tunicates, or Read More

Arctic Winch

The Arctic Winch is a small buoyant float (white) attached to the mooring’s red top-float. It carries instruments to measure temperature, pressure, and salinity of waters near the ice-infested surface. […]

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Making connections

Making connections

Engineer Keith Von Der Heydt connects cables in Woods Hole prior to testing acoustic source drivers, in preparation for deployment for the “Surface Processes and Acoustic Communications Experiment,” also known as […]

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Cruising for clues

Cruising for clues

Students Nicole Trenhom (in cap) and Zion Klos used ground-penetrating radar this summer in a Cape Cod kettle pond to look for signs of former shorelines deposited during ancient droughts. They worked […]

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Landscape of history

Landscape of history

Dense meter-high thickets of staghorn coral surround massive, rounded, ancient coral colonies in the background. WHOI scientist Konrad Hughen photographed this undersea landscape just 15 feet down while surveying […]

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Visitors to a WHOI ship

Visitors to a WHOI ship

Dolphins cruised next to the research vessel Atlantis this October while the ship traveled south of Baja California, en route to oceanographic research in the Sea of Cortez. “We just happened […]

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One of the deep’s denizens

One of the deep's denizens

An alien from inner space, this apparition is a common inhabitant of the world’s oceans—a member of the zooplankton, animals that are not strong swimmers but drift with the currents. […]

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In the pink

In the pink

Beautiful, ugly, or just plain peculiar according to individual reactions, this pink see-through fantasia is a swimming sea cucumber seen about 2,500 meters deep in the Celebes Sea. In […]

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