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Two Ships

Two Ships

Members of the WHOI community lined the dock on a rainy, cold morning recently to watch as the institution’s two large research vessels, Neil Armstrong (left) and Atlantis (top) […]

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Hook, Line, and Mooring

Hook, Line, and Mooring

Crew members aboard the research vessel Nathaniel B. Palmer recover a subsurface flotation sphere of a Global Array mooring off the coast of Argentina. The subsurface moorings have sensors […]

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An Unexpected Intrusion

An Unexpected Intrusion

In 2014, satellite imagery revealed an elongated body of warm Gulf Stream water pushing onto the edge of New England’s continental shelf toward the southwest. Scientists have seen similiar phenomena […]

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A Full Deck

A Full Deck

The research vessel Neil Armstrong heads to the Ocean Observatories Initiative Coastal Pioneer Array about 90 miles south of Martha’s Vineyard. Every six months, WHOI engineers, scientists, and crew […]

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A Break in the Action

A Break in the Action

Bosun Pete Liarikos raises a fist to stop the action during the deployment of a multifunction node (MFN) from the deck of the research vessel Neil Armstrong. The gray metal […]

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Long Haul

Long Haul

Crabs and shrimp investigate a cast-steel anchor for a mooring resting 125 meters below the surface at the Pioneer Array, an ocean observatory off the Massachusetts coast operated by […]

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Pioneer Turnaround

Twice each year, scientists, engineers, and technicians make three short (7-10 day) trips on the research vessel Neil Armstrong to service and replace moorings that make up the Ocean Observatories […]

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Sensor Check

Sensor Check

WHOI engineer Jennifer Batryn prepares instruments during a recent cruise to the Irminger Sea south of Greenland. The instruments have sensors to take a wide range of measurements in […]

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Diving for Data

Diving for Data

Bosun Pete Liarikos (left) and UNOLS technician Drew Cole recover an ocean glider from the water onto research vessel Neil Armstrong on a recent trip to the Ocean […]

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