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Escort Service

Escort Service

A pod of dolphins escort the research vessel Atlantis (with its bow casting a shadow on the water) through the Pacific Ocean in 2006. (Photo by Anton Zafereo, Woods Hole…

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Stuffing the Suitcase

Stuffing the Suitcase

On the dock at Sand Island in Hawaii, the new hybrid remotely operated vehicle (HROV) Nereus is loaded into its shipping container for travel back to Woods Hole after several…

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Many Hands Make Light Work

Many Hands Make Light Work

Mechanic Richard “Dicky” Edwards repairs part of a crane in the WHOI machine shop in 2007.  The crane is used for launching and recovering the Jason remotely operated vehicle. The…

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Bare Bones Research

Bare Bones Research

This whale bone—from the collection at the New Bedford Whaling Museum—was examined by WHOI biologist Michael Moore and colleagues to help determine if whales can get “the bends,” also known…

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Buck Never Stopped

Buck Never Stopped

Buck Ketchum prepares to deploy a water-sampling bottle, circa 1970. Ketchum was associated with WHOI for 40 years and was a leader in the development of biological oceanography. His research…

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Whale of a Project

Whale of a Project

Working in the recently renovated Coastal Research Laboratory at WHOI, engineering assistant Paul Fraser puts finishing touches on a surface buoy that will be later deployed in Massachusetts waters for…

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Smoke Stack

Smoke Stack

A mechanical arm on the Alvin submersible reaches out for a sample from a “black smoker” hydrothermal vent along the East Pacific Rise. Black smokers are so named because they…

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Reaching for Inner Space

Reaching for Inner Space

On January 20, 1961 and in the midst of the Cold War the bathyscaphe Trieste rolls down Pennsylvania Avenue in the Inauguration Day parade in Washington, D.C. The float celebrates…

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Naming the Species in the Zoo

Naming the Species in the Zoo

Geochemist Stan Hart examines data with MIT/WHOI Joint Program student Rhea Workman (now a researcher at the University of Hawaii). Hart was recently announced as the winner of the Arthur…

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Don’t Mess with This Crew

Don't Mess with This Crew

Engineers on research vessel Atlantis spend up to eight months a year at sea while maintaining the ship’s electrical and mechanical components. The diligence of the ship’s crew makes scientific expeditions…

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Bright Spot

Bright Spot

Kristin Pangallo, a graduate student in the MIT/WHOI Joint Program, flame-seals a test tube while preparing samples for the National Ocean Sciences Accelerator Mass Spectrometer (NOSAMS) in February 2006. Located…

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Keeping an Eye on History

Keeping an Eye on History

Ann Devenish and Ellen Levy (right) emerge from the forest of shelves in the MBL/WHOI data library and archives (DLA). The library holds more than 34,700 cataloged items—everything from technical…

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Reaching the Breaking Point

Reaching the Breaking Point

Engineering assistant Dara Tebo performs a “break test” to verify the strength of a cable in a WHOI rigging shop. Every new reel of wire received in the shop gets…

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Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Brown sea squirts formally known as tunicates, from the genus Didemnum attach themselves to a rock on a beach in Sandwich, Mass. WHOI research associate Mary Carman and colleagues have…

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Raising Expectations

Raising Expectations

The hybrid remotely operated vehicle (HROV) Nereus is raised onto the research vessel Kilo Moana after testing in the waters off Hawaii. The new vehicle which pushes the limits of…

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Soap Won’t Clean this Plate

Soap Won't Clean this Plate

MIT/WHOI Joint Program student Karin Lemkau holds a peice of an oil-stained plate that was collected from the shoreline of San Francisco Bay. Lemkau is assisting WHOI chemist Chris Reddy…

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Aluminum Keeps Alvin from Being Foiled

Aluminum Keeps Alvin from Being Foiled

The deep submergence vehicle (DSV) Aluminaut, shown here in 1966, was owned by the Reynolds Metals Co. (later Reynolds Aluminum) but it played a critical role in WHOI history. In…

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Wind Power on Ice

Wind Power on Ice

WHOI engineering assistant Kris Newhall assembles a wind generator that will provide power to the Arctic Ocean Flux Buoy (red-topped fixture protruding through the ice on the left). In April…

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Under the (Red) Sea

Under the (Red) Sea

The Red Sea harbors an abundance of coral, fish, and other marine creatures, particularly on the shelf edge outside of Jeddah (where this photo was taken). WHOI researchers will be…

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Welcome to Woods Hole

Welcome to Woods Hole

Dr. Susan Avery (at the lectern) answers questions from staff and students in October 2007 just hours after being introduced as the new president and director of the Woods Hole…

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Dawn of a New Day

Dawn of a New Day

Sunrise over the Bay of Fundy is framed by a chock (through which mooring lines are passed) in the deck of the research vessel Oceanus. (Photo by Alexander Dorsk, Woods…

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Better Training than Any Book

Better Training than Any Book

Summer Student Fellow Andy Ho—who worked in a WHOI Biology lab with Bruce Woodin and John Stegeman in 2007—works to isolate RNA from Fundulus heteroclitus found in New Bedford Harbor…

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Thank You, Jim

Thank You, Jim

WHOI President and Director Jim Luyten (center) accepts the best wishes and a gift of appreciation from the Institution’s trustees during a January 2008 meeting in New York City. Luyten…

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