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Keeping A Float

Keeping A Float

WHOI senior engineer Jim Valdes and physical oceanographer Amy Bower inspect an innovative new carousel device designed to automatically release a yellow float when warm water eddies pass. […]

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See Worthy

See Worthy

The REMUS 100 autonomous underwater vehicle works just below the surface in Glover’s Reef Marine Reserve off Belize, while the crew (Faegon Villanueva and Tyrone Lambert, from Belize; and […]

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The Best Place to Watch a Sunset

The Best Place to Watch a Sunset

As the research vessel Knorr cruised from Woods Hole toward the continental shelf off New Jersey, the science crew admired the sunset and the end of the first day. From […]

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Rocking the Boat

Rocking the Boat

“When the ice gets tough, the best weapon we have is the ship’s heeling tanks,” said Thomas Strömsnäs, second officer of the icebreaker Oden, which carried WHOI researchers through […]

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Central American Beauty

Central American Beauty

A baby reef squid found its way into the nets of WHOI researchers as they worked in the waters around Belize to study the connectivity of reef ecosystems. Biologists and […]

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Blinded by the Light

Blinded by the Light

After several days enveloped in 24-hour fog and gray skies in July 2007, all of a sudden, things changed for the research team on the WHOI-led expedition to the Arctic […]

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Warm Eddies in a Cold Sea

(Animation by Jack Cook, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

By Jack Cook, Kate Madin :: Originally published online November 30, 2007

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Leashing a Jaguar

Leashing a Jaguar

Helicopter pilot Sven Stenvall pulls and lowers a rope line toward Ola Andersson chief officer of the ice breaker Oden as he stands on deck. Andersson used the line […]

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Navigating the Old-Fashioned Way

Navigating the Old-Fashioned Way

Before computers and global positioning systems, mariners set their course with a sextant, a rotating instruments that use the sun and stars for celestial navigation. Many sailors still keep sextants on […]

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