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Catch a Jaguar by the Nose

Catch a Jaguar by the Nose

Mike Jakuba, a graduate of the MIT/WHOI Joint Program, guided the robotic underwater vehicle Jaguar back on board the icebreaker Oden during a summer expedition to the Arctic. Jakuba, now with Johns Hopkins University, collected…

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Lessons from the Labrador Sea

Lessons from the Labrador Sea

Physical oceanographer Amy Bower (right) recently led students from the Perkins School for the Blind on a tour of the research vessel Knorr. The tour was part of an ongoing relationship between Bower…

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Big Ocean, Big Experiment, Big Equipment

Big Ocean, Big Experiment, Big Equipment

Members of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution mooring group deployed a University of Miami mooring from R/V Knorr, part of the largest oceanographic field experiment in WHOI history. Over seven…

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Three Cheers for Volunteers

Three Cheers for Volunteers

Sheldon Holzer, a volunteer at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution exhibit center, tells a student about torpedo-shaped robots known as Remote Environmental Monitoring Units, or REMUS vehicles. Each summer, volunteers dedicate many hours to staff the…

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Sub Scrub

Sub Scrub

Working on the deck of the R/V Atlantis, pilots and technicians from the Alvin Group scrubbed the submersible on the East Pacific Rise in December 2006. Dried on salt, grime, and the…

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Fragile Plankton Up Ahead

Fragile Plankton Up Ahead

Researchers and crew aboard the R/V Laurence M. Gould recover a new Large Area Plankton Imaging System (LAPIS) after a test in Antarctic waters in March 2006. Designed by biologist…

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Look Out Below

Look Out Below

Geology and Geophysics research specialist John Collins and Department Chair Susan Humphris discuss the Broadband Ocean Bottom Seismograph, or BBOBS. Associate Scientist Jeff McGuire and Collins were the recipients of a major…

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Elder and Wiser

Elder and Wiser

Research Engineer Bob Elder tests refurbished pigtail wiring before reinstalling electrical components during a rebuild of the remotely operated vehicle Jason. Designed and built by WHOI’s Deep Submergence Laboratory, Jason…

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From Seafloor to the Space Station

From Seafloor to the Space Station

Biologist Tim Shank (in baseball cap) has had memorable conversations while diving in the submersible Alvin, but his chat with an astronaut hovering 250 miles above Earth’s surface was a first.…

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Into the Mystic

Into the Mystic

On a gray day in August 2006, WHOI research associate Phil Alatalo (right) and Captain Bill Kopplin motored out to the R/V Annika Marie at Barrow, Alaska. Alatalo participated in…

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Who You Gonna Call?

Who You Gonna Call?

Associate Scientist Jeff Seewald and his vent-sampling team (Joint Program student Eoghan Reeves, kneeling in front, and behind from left are Peter Saccocia, associate professor of Earth Sciences at Bridgewater…

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Black Sea Redux

Black Sea Redux

Aboard the Bulgarian R/V Akademik, research specialist Alan Gagnon (in the hat) and Bulgarian scientists inspect Niskin bottles during a Black Sea cruise with Assistant Scientist Marco Coolen. The researchers…

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A Whale of a House Call

A Whale of a House Call

WHOI Marine mammal biologist and veterinarian Michael Moore has developed numerous techniques for working with whales from small open boats, including mechanisms for delivering medicines to whales. This spring in…

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Long-Awaited Debut

Long-Awaited Debut

On August 28, 2007, the R/V Knorr left the WHOI dock to test a new long coring system. The test cruise is a major milestone and represents a tremendous achievement…

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Beauty in Motion

Beauty in Motion

A white tern (Gygis alba) takes flight on Midway Island in the South Pacific. The birds nest on coral islands throughout the tropics, and they lay just one egg at…

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Under the Weather (Buoy)

Under the Weather (Buoy)

Ship’s boatswain Pete Liarikos (left) and mooring specialist John Kemp huddle beneath the CLIMODE surface buoy as colleagues hold the lines. Liarikos and Kemp were working to secure the buoy…

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Roll the Bones

Roll the Bones

In July 2007, a group of workers from the WHOI Facilities Department moved the display skeleton of a pilot whale a longtime fixture of the lobby of the Redfield Laboratory…

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Thar She Surfaces

Thar She Surfaces

Looking down from the bridge seven flights above the deck of the icebreaker Oden, scientists and crew (including Captain Mattias Peterson, on the catwalk outside the bridge) keep their eyes…

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Bon Voyage

Bon Voyage

WHOI computer tech BL Owens waves goodbye to the schooner Corwith Cramer as it leaves its Woods Hole dock with her husband Breck Owens in June 2007. The week-long cruise,…

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How to make a guy feel puny

How to make a guy feel puny

Massive ice blocks crowd the sides of the icebreaker Oden during a research expedition to the Arctic Ocean in July 2007. The ship plowed through the ice cap to makes…

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A New Sport?

A New Sport?

Dave Morton of Ocean Acoustical Services and Instrumentation Systems, Inc., throws a sonobuoy hydrophone receiver over the side of the research vessel Endeavor during the Autonomous Wide Aperture for Cluster…

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The Core of an Education

The Core of an Education

WHOI Summer Student Fellows Jessica Millar (left) and Skylar Bayer (right) work to disassemble a gravity corer after its recovery, while retired WHOI researcher and instructor Bruce Tripp looks on…

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