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Break on Through

Break on Through

The Canadian coast guard icebreaker Louis St. Laurent stands tall above the ice-capped Beaufort Sea. Since 2003, researchers from WHOI, the Canadian Institute of Ocean Sciences, and the Japan […]

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Hunting for Water

Hunting for Water

Gear and instruments for the CLIVAR Mode Water Dynamics Experiment (CLIMODE) is stacked on the deck of the research vessel Oceanus, while crew members prepare to cast a […]

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Hitching a ride

Hitching a ride

As the science team and crew of R/V Oceanus steamed home from the Gulf of Maine in November 2006, a cormorant perched itself on the side rail of the ship. […]

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Flowers of the Deep

Flowers of the Deep

Anemones cover a rock roughly 80 meters (250 feet) beneath the water line on the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary off the coast of Massachusetts. The photo was taken […]

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Mussel Building

Mussel Building

In a WHOI biology lab, graduate student Diane Poehls Adams is breeding blue mussels, Mytilus edulis, from larvae to mature adults. These mussels experience different genetic selection pressures—leading them to express […]

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Taking the Ball and Going Home

Taking the Ball and Going Home

Crew members from the Canadian Coast Guard vessel Pierre Radisson use a Zodiac inflatable boat to recover a mooring from Hudson Strait in northeastern Canada in September 2006. The sub-surface […]

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High-wire Act

High-wire Act

WHOI researcher Fritz Hess transfers by highline from the USS Hazelwood to Atlantis II during the search for the lost nuclear submarine Thresher in 1963. Making just its second voyage […]

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Flipping out

Flipping out

A humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) breached while WHOI researchers were working to tag whales near Stellwagen Bank. No one knows for sure why whales breach the water surface; some researchers […]

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Buoyed by Ice

Buoyed by Ice

A specialized bulldozer (aka the “Piston Bully”) pulls a shipping container mounted on skis the “Thunder Sled” across the ice cover of Antarctica’s Ross Sea in the middle of a […]

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Dance by the Sea

Dance by the Sea

Members of the lively Woods Hole folk dancing community turned out in October 1977 to help celebrate the return of the research vessel Atlantis II from the longest WHOI cruise […]

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Roll with it

Roll with it

The WHOI-operated research vessel Oceanus rolls with the seas as the ship steams toward the Gulf Stream in November 2005. The decks were fully loaded with gear for the […]

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