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Looking for Resilience

Looking for Resilience

WHOI coral scientists Anne Cohen and Pat Lohmann extract core samples from a coral during a recent cruise to Kiritimati (Christmas Island) in the central Pacific Ocean. The scientists […]

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Wash Day

Wash Day

The research vessel Neil Armstrong ducked into Prince Christian Sound last week to take advantage of the calm seas. The ship is currently on a mission to replace a set […]

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Mission Accomplished

Mission Accomplished

The remotely operated vehicle Jason is recovered after a mission to explore Brothers Volcano in the Kermedec Arc 400 nautical miles off the northern coast of New Zealand. WHOI scientists and colleagues […]

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Pioneer Array

Animation of a coastal component of the Ocean Observatory Initiative.

Originally published online January 1, 2009

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Remember the ALAMOs

Remember the ALAMOs

A U.S. Air Force “Hurricane Hunter” prepares to drop an ALAMO (Air-Launched Autonomous Micro-Observer) float into the ocean in front of a hurricane. WHOI oceanographer Steve Jayne routinely […]

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