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Equipment Check

Equipment Check

At sea, it helps to know your equipment inside and out. Here, Dalton Hardisty from Michigan State University, Alysia Cox from Montana Tech, and Drew Syverson from Yale University test […]

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Soaring Duo

Soaring Duo

Two Galapagos Swallow Tailed Gulls glide in the sky above the R/V Atlantis during a 2010 expedition. The birds, which are the only fully nocturnal gulls and seabirds in […]

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Crab Boil

Crab Boil

Hydrothermal vent crabs thrive under enough pressure to crush a car, but can survive at the surface for months or more. They also regularly move between the cold of […]

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Space & Sea Connections

Space & Sea Connections

In 1986, when the shuttle orbiter Atlantis flew its second mission, WHOI Director John H. Steele was among those invited to witness the nighttime launch, because the shuttle was […]

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Butterflies of the Sea

Butterflies of the Sea

Tiny. Ubiquitous. Vital. Delicate. Vulnerable. All these words describe pteropods (“wing-foot”). These marine snails are also called “sea butterflies” because of their winglike swimming appendages. Masses of pteropods drift […]

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Puffin Soundscapes

Puffin Soundscapes

Puffins in Iceland are one of the many interests of WHOI acoustic biologist Aran Mooney. During a recent trip to Husavik on the north shore of the island, members of […]

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Herring Catchers

Herring Catchers

Collecting river herring specimens in a local creek are (from left) WHOI Summer Student Fellow Sara Hamilton, MIT-WHOI Joint Program student Ellie Bors, and WHOI lab assistant Julie Pringle. The […]

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Comb Jelly

Comb Jelly

A ctenophore (pronounced teen-o-fore), or comb jelly, is a transparent jelly-like animal often spherical or bell-shaped. They swim by beating rows of tiny combs along their bodies like paddles. When […]

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Alvin engineer and pilot Danik Forsman holds a seafloor heat blanket used to measure the heat flow from the seafloor. Scripps Institution of Oceanography scientist Ross Parnell-Turner reads its weight. […]

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Current Affairs

Current Affairs

The Galápagos Islands are home to species found nowhere else on Earth, such as this land iguana. This unique ecosystem depends on nutrients brought to the islands by the Read More



A thick coat of young barnacles covers this orange float after it had been deployed in the Chukchi Sea north of Alaska for 13 months. Ship hulls, instruments, buoys, and rigging […]

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Spicy and Minty

Spicy and Minty

This artists’ rendition illustrates the unusual confluence of waters that occurs beneath the surface of the Bay of Bengal. From the west comes warm, salty waters (yellow) formed in […]

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