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If Found

If Found

In the second of two cruises to study the movement of dense water flowing through the Denmark Strait, WHOI oceanographer Bob Pickart returned to the East Greenland coast this […]

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Working Under Ice

Working Under Ice

To work under Arctic ice and in rough seas, researchers rely on bright, buoyant, and tough equipment. In fall 2011, crew and researchers aboard the United States Coast Guard […]

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Sunset at Sea

Sunset at Sea

The sun sets behind RV Knorr during a cruise to the Bermuda Rise in 2011 to work on the Dynamics of Abyssal Mixing and Interior Transports Experiment, or DynaMITE. Chief […]

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Grendel’s Lair

Grendel's Lair

In the fall of 2011, the WHOI-operated research vessel Knorr sailed past the Faroe Islands east of Iceland, an ideal home for Beowolf’s nemesis. The team on board, led […]

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Cold Feet

Cold Feet

Photographer Rachel Fletcher, currently on board the Knorr with WHOI’s Robert Pickart, recently took this picture of kittiwakes on an iceberg off the coast of Greenland. Pickart is leading […]

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Shells in the Sands of Time

Shells in the Sands of Time

In sediments beneath the Sargasso Sea, WHOI geologist Lloyd Keigwin found a 17,500-year-old clamshell and a mystery: Why was this South Atlantic species living in deep water near Bermuda […]

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