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Multimedia Items

Declining Sea Ice

Declining Sea Ice

The U.S. Coast Guard icebreaker Healy steams through “pancake” sea ice in the Arctic Ocean in October 2013. WHOI physical oceanographer Bob Pickart led the cruise to complete […]

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Deep-Sea Camera

Deep-Sea Camera

The WHOI TowCam is a deep-sea camera system that is towed by a cable from a ship so that it flies near the seafloor and can obtain digital images, […]

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Hop Scotch on Ice

Hop Scotch on Ice

In 1978, a team of Russian scientists including WHOI senior scientist Andrey Proshutinksy (third from the right) took to the sky in a single-engine Antonov-2 biplane to observe sea ice […]

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Hands-on Science

Hands-on Science

WHOI assistant scientist Erin Fischell showed visiting member of a U.S. Army youth leadership group some of the autonomous underwater vehicles she uses in her research. Fischell, who graduated […]

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Diving for Data

Diving for Data

Bosun Pete Liarikos (left) and UNOLS technician Drew Cole recover an ocean glider from the water onto research vessel Neil Armstrong on a recent trip to the Ocean […]

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Field Gear

Field Gear

What do you do when you have to do fieldwork on Halloween? You put your costume on early. Members of WHOI’s Coastal Systems Group did just that yesterday during […]

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Happy Hallow-Marine

Happy Hallow-Marine

A pair of anemonefish (Amphiprion bicinctus) take shelter in a pumpkin-shaped sea anemone on a coral reef in the Red Sea. Despite their seemingly frightful home, anemonefish are immune […]

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Hats Off

Hats Off

These air-filled glass spheres encased in a protective polyethylene “hard hat,” are used to keep mooring lines upright, taut, and off the seafloor. This string of floats, was deployed recently […]

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Beneath the Surface

Beneath the Surface

Members of the lab run by WHOI chemist Matt Charette installed equipment near the city of Sendai during a trip to Northeast Japan to collect groundwater samples. Charette and WHOI colleague Ken Buesseler Read More

Coral Investigators

Coral Investigators

Researchers Paul Henderson (left) and Luis Vasquez-Bedoya collect coral samples from a large reef in the waters off Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. Corals build their skeletons over time from calcium […]

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Ship’s Shape

Ship's Shape

In December 2013, workers at the Dakota Creek shipyard in Anacortes, Wash., joined two sections of hull to begin shaping WHOI’s newest research vessel, R/V Neil Armstrong. Over the […]

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Crew members aboard WHOI’s original research vessel Atlantis, which supported oceanographic research from 1931 to 1964, work together to hoist the ship’s anchor. In those days, the task was time […]

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