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Multimedia Items

Fast-Spreading Mid-Ocean Ridge

fast spreading ridges

Faster spreading ridges like the northern and southern East Pacific Rise are “hotter,” meaning more magma is present beneath the ridge axis and more volcanic eruptions occur. Because the plate […]

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Slow-Spreading Mid-Ocean Ridge

slow spreading ridges

Slow spreading ridges like the Mid-Atlantic Ridge generally have large, wide rift valleys, sometimes as big as 10-20 km wide and very rugged terrain at the ridge crest that can […]

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Vents Around the World

vents around the world


InterRidge Vents Database Version 2.0, credit: S.E. Beaulieu, 2010, InterRidge Global Database of Active Submarine Hydrothermal Vent Fields: prepared for InterRidge, Version 2.0. World Wide Web electronic publication; Beaulieu, Stace […]

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Temperature, Density and Salinity

Temperature, density, salinity

Temperature and salinity affect the density of the water. Cold water is more dense than warm water. Salty water is more dense than fresh water. When waters of different density […]

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Ocean Encounters: Seabirds

Seabirds are uniquely adapted to life at sea—and uniquely vulnerable to its perils. Many spend the majority of their decades-long lives far from shore, flying thousands of miles over open water to find food, returning to land only to mate and raise their young.

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2023 Year in Review

The ocean connects our entire planet. So does WHOI science. We study every depth, travel to the poles and back, and share our knowledge (and tales of adventure) with you. Here’s to another year working for our ocean, our planet, and our future.

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Resilient Woods Hole Climate Walking Tour

A man with glasses and a blue suit stands at a podium with the words Resilient Woods Hole on it. He's gesturing to his right and the Woods Hole sundial and MBL buildings are in the background.

The Resilient Woods Hole Climate Walking Trail app takes users on a self-guided tour of Woods Hole’s most vulnerable areas. You can download the free app through the App Store or Google Play.

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