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Letting Go

Letting Go

A buoy built at WHOI is deployed from the R/V Roger Revelle in the Pacific Ocean in 2016. The buoy, outfitted with dozens of sensors above and below the […]

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Break Point

Break Point

From the air, this rift in the Ross Ice Shelf might appear to be a small crack, but it is actually 300 feet wide and tens of miles long. […]

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Rock Grab

Rock Grab

A pilot inside the submersible Alvin uses one of the vehicle’s manipulator arms to pick up some unusual geological samples: popping rocks. WHOI scientists collected them in 2016, […]

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In-the-Field Experience

In-the-Field Experience

Ithaca College senior Cynthia Becker (left) helps WHOI microbial ecologist Amy Apprill collect a water sample off the southern coast of St. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Apprill […]

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Finding Life in Whale Breath

Finding Life in Whale Breath

The 96-well micro-titre plate is a standard piece of laboratory equipment used to hold small amounts of liquid samples for testing. This particular plate was put to a decidedly non-standard […]

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Measuring Salty Seas

Measuring Salty Seas

WHOI senior engineering assistant Ben Pietro oversees a deployment of yellow “hardhats” on the R/V Revelle during a 2016 expedition to the eastern tropical Pacific, where some of the highest […]

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Communicating Under Ice

Communicating Under Ice

A lone buoy sits atop Arctic sea ice in the Canadian Basin—a yellow dot in a vast field of white. Suspended in the water below the buoy, a beacon sends […]

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Blue Holes and Hurricanes

Blue Holes and Hurricanes

The dark blue patch in the bottom right of this aerial shot of Discovery Bay, Jamaica, is a “blue hole.” These large sinkholes formed as caves on land during the […]

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Island in the Stream

Island in the Stream

Jarvis Island is a tiny dot in the middle of the vast Pacific Ocean right on the equator. This uninhabited 1¾-square-mile island rises barely 20 feet out of the […]

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Packed for the Ice Pack

Packed for the Ice Pack

Twin Otter planes are packed full of buoys, cables, and other equipment for flights from Banks Island north of Canada onto the Arctic Ocean ice pack. The planes carry 2,000 […]

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Greeting New Arrivals

Greeting New Arrivals

WHOI postdoctoral scholar Kirstin Meyer checks for new growth on monitoring plates she has hung off a dock in Eel Pond. She’s looking for barnacles, hydroids, and other small […]

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Starry Seafloor

Starry Seafloor

Starfish and shrimp graze on a microbial mat on a decaying giant sponge near the summit of Karasik Seamount beneath the Arctic Ocean. The scene was filmed during an Read More