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Drone’s-eye View

Drone's-eye View

WHOI biologist Michael Moore releases a drone from a boat in the Gulf of Corcovado off the southern coast of Chile while a blue whale swims in the distance. In…

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Clues in the Core

Clues in the Core

Sarah Jayne, a guest student from Northeastern University working in the lab of WHOI biochemist Amanda Spivak, breaks down a piece of core sampled from the Kennebec river watershed in…

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Did It Just Pop?

Did It Just Pop?

On what was known as the “Popping Rocks” expedition, a research team led by WHOI geochemist Mark Kurz used the submersible Alvin and the R/V Atlantis to collect samples of…

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Fish Stories

Fish Stories

WHOI’s founding director Henry Bryant Bigelow (1879-1967) was one of the giants of U.S. oceanography. His interests spanned both the ocean’s physical characteristics and the natural history of marine animals,…

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A Warming Arctic

A Warming Arctic

WHOI biologist Cabell Davis photographed this Arctic denizen when he served as principal scientist on the Elysium Artists for the Arctic Expedition in fall 2015. Led by Michael Aw of…

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Arbor Day Oceanography

Arbor Day Oceanography

Keelan Murphy (left), a student at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy, and Mary Lardie, a technician in the National Ocean Sciences Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (NOSAMS) facility at WHOI, extracted samples from…

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To the Seafloor and Back

To the Seafloor and Back

WHOI geochemist Mark Kurz couldn’t be happier, even after being doused in ice-cold seawater. Though Kurz has worked at WHOI since 1983, this spring he experienced his first Alvin dive…

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Holey Corals

Holey Corals

This coral may look like it was blasted by a shotgun, but these holes are occupied by tiny molluscs that bore into coral skeletons to escape predators. This process, called…

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Collecting Trip

Collecting Trip

WHOI biologist Ann Tarrant collects animals from a Woods Hole, Mass., salt marsh to culture and study in the lab. Tarrant investigates the genes invertebrate animals use to respond to…

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Soul of the Machine

Soul of the Machine

Like cars, even high-tech underwater robots like the autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) Sentry need periodic maintenance and upgrades. Before Sentry took part in a recent cruise to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge to…

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Bear Necessities

Bear Necessities

WHOI biologist Cabell Davis photographed this Arctic denizen when he served as principal scientist on the Elysium Artists for the Arctic Expedition in fall 2015. Led by Michael Aw of…

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Close Call

Close Call

On September 14, 1944, with a category 4 hurricane working its way up the Eastern seaboard, WHOI’s research vessel Atlantis was secured to the National Marine Fisheries Service dock in…

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Happy Earth-Ocean Day

Happy Earth-Ocean Day

Many processes that marine scientists study also have connections to dry land. Last year, students and faculty explored the rocks surrounding the Snake River Plain Yellowstone Hotspot, which lies underneath…

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Good-bye and Good Luck

Good-bye and Good Luck

A pilot boat pulls away from R/V Atlantis as it departed Charleston, S.C., recently on a mission to the site of the sunken cargo ship El Faro. The WHOI team on…

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Remains of the Day

Remains of the Day

Six years after the blow-out of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico, WHOI marine chemist Chris Reddy (right), is still finding oil from the accident along…

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Line ’em Up

Line 'em Up

WHOI engineering assistant Ben Tradd and senior engineer and Jason program manager Matt Heintz align the remotely operated vehicle (ROV) Jason over its coupled payload basket during dock tests after the…

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Open for Science

Open for Science

Some young visitors to WHOI’s Ocean Science Exhibit Center learned about oil spills and some of the clean-up techniques during Splash Lab last summer. At the Exhibit Center, visitors can…

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Flying High

Flying High

The research vessel Crawford is shown with the wing of a P5 Marlin (P5M) seaplane strapped to its side in 1960. WHOI scientists made the modification in an attempt to improve the measurement of…

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National Citizen Science Day

National Citizen Science Day

Derya Akkaynak, an MIT-WHOI Joint Program graduate student, was with a group of divers watching two dozen manta rays off Kona, Hawaii, when she had an epiphany: all around her, on…

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Hannibal Bank Seamount Expedition

In April 2015, a research team studying biodiversity at the Hannibal Bank Seamount off the coast of Panama captured something unexpected—unique video of thousands of red crabs swarming in low-oxygen…

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