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Soundscapes at Sea

Soundscapes at Sea

WHOI biologists Aran Mooney and Laela Sayigh are leading a multi-year effort to study the “soundscape” of Horseshoe Shoals in Nantucket Sound—the proposed site of one of the country’s first…

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Living Dangerously

Living Dangerously

WHOI geologist Jeff Donnelly (left) of the Coastal Systems Group and actor Ian Somerhalder hold a sediment core during recent filming for an episode of the documentary TV series “Years of…

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Fish in Hot Water

Fish in Hot Water

This purple fish, Bythites hollisi, was named after Alvin pilot Ralph Hollis, who captured one in 1988 with a net held in Alvin’s manipulator arm. Bythites hollisi is one of many deep-sea…

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Vulnerable Corals

Vulnerable Corals

Researchers in Anne Cohen‘s lab are investigating how changes in the ocean, caused by climate change, may threaten coral reefs. They have explored reefs in Palau, the Phoenix Islands, Dongsha…

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Lost Lunch

Lost Lunch

In 1968, Alvin flooded and sank to 5,000 ft. depth when its cradle and support cables snapped while it was being lowered into the water. All three crewmembers escaped unharmed, but…

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Fjording Ahead

Fjording Ahead

A satellite image shows Helheim Glacier, one of many glaciers that drain ice from the Greenland Ice Sheet into coastal fjords that connect to the open ocean. MIT-WHOI graduate student…

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Charting a Course

Charting a Course

Mike Singleton, third mate on WHOI’s newest research vessel, R/V Neil Armstrong reviewed charts of the Panama Canal prior to passing from the Pacific to the Caribbean in December as part…

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Docked and Ready

Docked and Ready

An autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) docking station is prepared for deployment from R/V Atlantis. The dock was successfully deployed in October 2015 at the base of the Pioneer Array’s offshore…

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Leap of Science

Leap of Science

MIT-WHOI graduate student Laura Stevens leaps over a stream of meltwater on the Greenland Ice Sheet. Stevens was part of team (including WHOI scientists Sara Das, Mark Behn, and Jeff…

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Land, Sea, and Air

Land, Sea, and Air

The increased flow of ice from glaciers in Greenland and Antarctica has tripled the contribution of continental ice sheets to global sea level rise over the last 20 years. Since 2008,…

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Brake Bend

Brake Bend

WHOI Fabricator Paul Keith measures the curvature of a titanium panel used to hold flotation foam in place on the submersible Alvin. The grooves in the panel show where it…

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All-weather Friends

All-weather Friends

Henry Bigelow (left) and Columbus Iselin—the founder and second director of WHOI, respectively—stand on the deck of the Institution’s first research vessel, Atlantis. Iselin was a student of Bigelow’s at the…

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Light Work

Light Work

WHOI technicians Christopher Griner and Amy Simoneau tested the fiber optics in the R/V Neil Armstrong’s large cable during the ship’s inaugural voyage from Anacortes, Wash., to San Francisco in…

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Dreams of Summers Past

Dreams of Summers Past

WHOI 2015 Summer Student Fellows Jerry Fontus (Georgia Institute of Technology) and Julia Lanoue (Brown University) learned how to deploy a water sampling CTD rosette off the fantail of R/V…

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Testing the Waters

Testing the Waters

Chief mate Dee Emrich (foreground) and other crew members of R/V Neil Armstrong watch a test of the ship’s new CTD handling system. The CTD (conductivity, temperature and depth) helps scientists analyze physical, chemical,…

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Planes, Trains & Ships

Planes, Trains & Ships

John F. Kennedy was president and summering in Hyannisport on Cape Cod when this photo of the original WHOI dock was taken in 1962. Pictured are four WHOI research vessels…

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Works in Progress

Works in Progress

R/V Atlantis (left) and R/V Neil Armstrong recently came out of drydock at Detyen’s Shipyards in Charleston, S.C. Atlantis was in for scheduled maintenance, while Neil Armstrong had the remainder of its science gear installed after sailing from Anacortes, Wash.,…

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An Adventurous Life

An Adventurous Life

This photo of Elizabeth Bigelow, wife of founding director of WHOI Henry Bigelow, was taken more than 60 years ago. The Bigelows were wed in 1906, a marriage that Henry…

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Plastic in the Ocean

Plastics constitute the single most common form of debris in the ocean and the volume is growing every year. WHOI microbiologist Tracy Mincer discusses the impacts of plastic marine debris–and…

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Rack ’em Up

Rack 'em Up

Engineer Loral O’Hara designed new racks to carry equipment on the upgraded Alvin, the nation’s deep-diving human-occupied research submersible. The racks hold pressure housings—the titanium bottles that house the electronics…

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Award for Robotics

Award for Robotics

Speaking at WHOI in December 2014, Pamela Goldberg, CEO of the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative (MTC), had high praise for WHOI’s Center for Marine Robotics (CMR) and its potential to spur…

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Looking Ahead

Looking Ahead

Over the course of nearly six decades at WHOI, Hartley Hoskins has been an integral part of the Institution’s fabric. He sailed on R/V Oceanus when the ship was delivered to…

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Summer Sampling

Summer Sampling

WHOI summer student fellow Claudia Mazur (left), of Mount Holyoke College, and guest student Alec Cobban, of Dartmouth College, sampled sediments in West Falmouth Harbor in August 2015. Both spent…

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The heading blocks that tell watchstanders on R/V Neil Armstrong the direction the ship is supposed to be traveling share a console with the slightly higher tech dynamic positioning control.…

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