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Ocean Encounters: Sailing for Science

Despite extreme weather, spending months away from home, and the occasional pirate, these intrepid mariners are passionate about supporting research at sea. Find out about the diverse careers available in marine operations–and maybe join the crew!

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Dave Barry

Dave Barry Quote

When you finally see what’s going on underwater, you realize you’ve been missing the whole point of the ocean.

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Cynthia Ozick

Cynthia Ozick Quote

We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.

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The Ocean Pavilion at COP27

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution is joining forces with Scripps Institution of Oceanography and 18 other oceanographic partners from around the globe to speak for the ocean at the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27). The Ocean Pavilion brings together world leaders in ocean science, technology, and policy to carry the message that the ocean matters to everyone, everywhere, and that science must lead the way in our quest for safe, long-term solutions to climate change. Because now – more than ever, the ocean needs us and we need the ocean.

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Hope for Corals in Crisis

Coral reefs around the world are facing a dangerous decline, but there is still hope! This behind-the-scenes video highlights some of the novel technologies and approaches WHOI researchers are developing to detect and diagnose at-risk corals before any visible signs of damage when there is still time to intervene.

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360 video of coral reef scientists at work!

Dive in and join WHOI researchers as they survey a coral reef in St. Croix, US Virgin Islands, in this immersive 360 video. During a reef survey, divers layout coordinates with a tape measure and travel up and down that line documenting coral species, size, and health. This particular survey was conducted by post-doctoral scholar Anya Brown, MIT-WHOI graduate student Lei Ma, and WHOI research associate, Jeanne Bloomberg as part of an ongoing project being led by WHOI Associate Scientist, Amy Apprill. This trip was made in collaboration with The Nature Conservancy. For more information about the work being done visit the Apprill Lab.

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Give Reefs a Chance

Coral reefs play a vital role in sustaining the health of our ocean and our planet, and they are dying at an alarming rate. But right now, WHOI researchers are jumping into action to develop real-time and scalable solutions–measuring chemicals to determine coral health, understanding how fish sounds may be the key to rebuilding impacted reefs, and innovating robotics to monitor and detect coral stress and disease, before it is too late. If we want to save coral reefs, we need to act now. We need to give reefs a chance!

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Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey Quote

You can either see yourself as a wave in the ocean – or you can see yourself as the ocean.

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Robert Swan

Robert Swan Quote

The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.

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Into Hurricane Ian

WHOI’s Steve Jayne flies with US Air Force to drop a suite of instruments into and ahead of Hurricane Ian

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Christiana Figueres

Christiana Figueres Quote

Faced with today’s facts, we can be indifferent, do nothing and hope the problem goes away. We can despair and plunge into paralysis. Or we can become stubborn optimists with […]

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Ocean Encounters: Heatwaves

Join us for a discussion about the links between the atmosphere and ocean, why heat waves are on the rise, and what it means for our ocean planet.

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A look back at Alvin science verification

The human-occupied submersible Alvin is ready to return to scientific research at its newly certified maximum depth of 6500 meters (4 miles). That’s the conclusion of a team of scientists who have spent the past three weeks taking the iconic sub through its paces at locations at the Puerto Rico Trench and Mid-Cayman Rise, testing its scientific and engineering systems to ensure they are capable of supporting the demands of deep-sea sample and data collection.

Read all about science verification here:…

© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

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e.e. cummings

e.e. cummings Quote

For whatever we lose (like a you or a me), it’s always our self we find in the sea.

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Sarah Kay

Sarah Kay Quote

There’s nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline, no matter how many times it’s sent away.

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Ocean Encounters: Giving Reefs a Chance

Coral reefs are in trouble. We have already lost more than half of the world’s reefs in just 50 years, while climate change, pollution, and other stressors continue to decimate what remains of these biodiverse and beautiful ecosystems. Ending the coral reef crisis will not be easy, but it is still possible. Join us to hear how WHOI scientists and engineers are working together to diagnose reefs at risk—and bring degraded reefs back to life.

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