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Direct Line to the Seafloor

Direct Line to the Seafloor

WHOI researchers Jim Broda, left, and Al Gagnon wave to well-wishers as the research vessel Knorr departed in October on one of the final cruises of its 44-year career. […]

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First View

ROV Jason gave scientists their first live look at a Deep Hypersaline Anoxic Basin (DHAB) on November 29, 2011. At left is normal seafloor, at right is the DHAB, and […]

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Jason, Deconstructed

Jason, Deconstructed

The remotely operated vehicle Jason (left), which also includes its partner vehicle Medea (right), is a relatively uncommon sight around Woods Hole because the system is in such high […]

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The Old Ways

The Old Ways

On a recent cruise on board the University of Washington’s R/V Thomas G. Thompson, WHOI research associate Marshall Swartz and crewmembers Brian Clampitt and Paul Benecki (left to right) […]

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From the Archives

From the Archives

Fresh from the shipyard, R/V Knorr transited the Cape Cod Canal in 1970 on its way to Woods Hole for the first time. Since arriving, Knorr has sailed roughly 1.3 million miles, […]

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Together By TREET

Together By TREET

As part of the TREET (Transforming Remotely Conducted Research Through Ethnography, Education & Rapidly Evolving Technologies) program, senior scientist Chris German and recent Harvard graduate, Alexandra Stote, connected with a classroom […]

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From the Archives

From the Archives

When this hull was first laid on August 9, 1967, it was the fifteenth Auxuliary General-purpose Oceanographic Research ship proposed by the U.S. Navy and so bore the unassuming name […]

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Under the Hood

Under the Hood

Jason gets a checkup from assistant engineer Korey Verhein during one of the vehicle’s rare appearance in Woods Hole this fall. The remotely operated vehicle and its […]

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Listening In

Listening In

MIT-WHOI Joint Program graduate Max Kaplan positions a DMON acoustic recording device on Helen Reef, the southernmost island of Palau, in the far western Pacific. The […]

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The Sea’s Bounty

The Sea's Bounty

A collection of copepods fills a specimen dish to be identified and counted. Scientists on board the research vessel Ka’imikai-o-Kanaloa collected the sample off the northeast coast of Japan in June 2011 […]

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Bird’s Eye View

Bird's Eye View

This aerial photo of Woods Hole village shows the two large WHOI-operated research vessels, Atlantis, left, and Knorr, right, at the WHOI dock overlooking Great Harbor. Many improvements […]

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