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Full House

Full House

Moorings and buoys secured to the crowded decks of the research vessel Knorr destined for Greenland and Iceland arrived in subpolar North Atlantic waters this month. The vessel also carried […]

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High-flying Test

High-flying Test

With R/V Knorr at the dock behind, WHOI biologist Bruce Keafer (left), engineer Wiill Ostrom (center), and Northeastern University co-op student Ethan Edson guide the ESP-1 buoy to a test […]

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Grand Finale

Grand Finale

Andy Davies (second from left) and colleagues deploy a Vector Averaging Current Meter (VACM) in May during the last research cruise of the Line W project. Line W is […]

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A Pioneering Mission

A Pioneering Mission

Crew aboard R/V Knorr recover a surface buoy from the Pioneer Array, a network of moorings and autonomous underwater vehicles outfitted with sensors and communications equipment […]

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Seeing in 3-D

Bill Lange, Director of WHOI’s Advanced Imaging and Visualization Laboratory (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

Originally published online August 1, 2010

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What We Can Learn from Titanic

Bill Lange, Director of WHOI’s Advanced Imaging and Visualization Laboratory (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

Originally published online August 1, 2010

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Vehicle Overboard

Vehicle Overboard

In 2010 WHOI biologist Gareth Lawson (left) and Summer Student Fellow Jonathan Fincke deployed a towed vehicle called “HammarHead” from the research vessel Connecticut. HammarHead, named for its designer, […]

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Securing the Base

Securing the Base

WHOI engineer John Kemp (left) and a member of the R/V Knorr crew prepare the base of a coastal high power surface mooring (CHPSM) for deployment on the continental slope 80 miles […]

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