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Volcano mapping

Volcano mapping

July 28, 2009

A one-armed protractor, used for laying out ship tracks,  rests on top of a map of the ‘Rumble III’ volcano, located in the Kermadec arc, north northeast of
New Zealand. In March 2009, the University of Washington’s student
cruise aboard R/V Thomas Thompson explored the Kermadec volcanic arc.
Marine geologist Dan Fornari was on the cruise to work with the students to map the Kermadecs with TowCam. Fornari
showed students how to plan TowCam deployments and plot TowCam survey
lines on large-scale maps during the tows, so that the photographic
observations could be used to map the seafloor terrains.

(Photo by Alexander Dorsk, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

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