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WHOI research and economic impacts

WHOI research and economic impacts

August 3, 2010

WHOI senior engineer Mike Purcell briefs state officials Pat Larkin, executive director of the John Adams Innovation Institute, and Greg Bialecki, Massachusetts Secretary of Housing and Economic Development, on WHOI’s family of autonomous underwater vehicles and their planned role in the National Science Foundation’s Ocean Observatories Initiative.  Also taking part in the day’s discussion about how WHOI’s ocean research contributes to job creation and business formation were WHOI Director of Research Larry Madin, WHOI President Susan Avery, Senior Scientist Heidi Sosik, and Director of State Government Relations Jim Rakowski, and others. (From left, Larkin, Bialecki, Madin, Avery, Sosik, Rakowski.)
(Photo by Tom Kleindinst, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

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