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Welcome to the New

April 13, 2007 We hope you enjoy this  newly designed website. We’re proud of the new site. This redesign uses a more efficient “back end” engine to make it […]

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Bosun Wayne Bailey

MAY 25, 2005 Wayne is in charge of all deck activities on R/V Atlantis. He oversees the movement of heavy equipment on the deck, and uses a variety of hand signals […]

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Stace Beaulieu

MAY 22, 2005 Where did you grow up and how did that place influence your interest in ocean science?
I grew up in South Florida, in Palm Beach Gardens. When […]

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Expedition Leader J. Patrick Hickey

JUNE 5, 2004

What are your main responsibilities as expedition leader?

I work closely with the captain of Atlantis in planning the joint operations of the sub and ship for science, and […]

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Third Mate Adam Seamans

MAY 29, 2004

How did you become interested in sailing and the sea?

I grew up north of Boston, in Beverly, Massachusetts, and I sailed with my grandfather, father, plus […]

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Able Seaman Ed “Catfish” Popowitz

JUNE 10, 2003 Ed “Catfish” Popowitz is an Able Seaman on the Atlantis crew. He has been with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution since 1996, when he began on RV Atlantis‘ predecessor, RV Atlantis II. […]

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Chief Steward Carl Wood

JUNE 1, 2003 Carl Wood’s title on RV Atlantis is Chief Steward. But his real role on the ship includes so much more than managing the kitchen (or galley) and ship supplies. […]

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The Ocean’s Role in Climate

Testimony to the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation

July 18, 2000

My name is Raymond Schmitt, I am a Senior Scientist in the Department of Physical Oceanography at the Woods […]

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First Mate Mitzi Crane

FEBRUARY 2, 2000 Being the First Mate of RV Atlantis carries a great deal of responsibility.  Besides being the second-in- command of the ship and in charge of it’s daily operations for […]

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Hans Schouten

Senior Scientist, Geology and Geophysics Department

JANUARY 31, 2000 Dr. Hans Schouten is a Senior Scientist in the Geology and Geophysics Department at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI). Hans was […]

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Captain George Silva

JANUARY 15, 2000 The captain, or Master, of a ship is responsible for the safety of all the people and smooth running of the ship while we are out at sea. […]

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Marie Tharp

APRIL 1, 1999 Taken From “Connect the Dots: Mapping the Seafloor and Discovering the Mid-ocean Ridge” by Marie Tharp, Chapter 2 in Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia
Twelve Perspectives on the […]

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