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WHOI Perspectives

The climate won’t wait

Emma Bullock

MIT-WHOI Joint Program student Emma Bullock talks Arctic research in an age of climate change and international disputes

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Data with a side of sass

Data Dollies

The name “data dollies” was a tongue-in-cheek way of calling attention to the essential yet unglamorous work these mostly young, college-educated women performed while not at sea.

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Putting the ‘nuclear coffin’ in perspective

WHOI geochemist Ken Buesseler discusses marine radioactivity monitoring in the Marshall Islands atop Runit Dome

WHOI chemist and marine radioactivity expert shares his thoughts about radioactivity waste leaking from Runit Dome—a bomb crater filled with radioactive soil in the Marshall Islands that is now being penetrated by rising sea levels

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Experts Explore the Ocean-Human Health Link

Eleonora Van Sitteren

Eleonora Van Sitteren

Guest Student, Lindell Lab

I work with the Lindell Lab group at WHOI on a selective breeding program with sugar kelps. These can be used as a carbon-neutral, sometimes […]

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Looking into the Future

looking ino the future

WHOI researchers discuss various ways that ocean science and technology are enabling a deeper understanding of our blue planet

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Looking to the Future

looking ino the future

WHOI researchers discuss various ways that ocean science and technology are enabling a deeper understanding of our blue planet

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Jellyfish larger than blue whales?


Recent accounts in the media have described the appearance of lion’s mane jellyfish in waters and beaches in the Northeast as a surprising, sometimes troubling, event, with record sizes and numbers reported from Maine to the Massachusetts south coast. But is this event noteworthy? Or, as some have implied, is it a sign of failing ocean health? Three WHOI marine biologists weighed in to put events into perspective.

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