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Virginia Edgcomb

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hydrothermal vent

Finding answers in the ocean

The test being used to diagnose the novel coronavirus—and other pandemics like AIDS and SARS—was developed with the help of an enzyme isolated from a microbe found in marine hydrothermal vents as well as freshwater hot springs.

Life Dwells Deep Within Earth's Crust

Life Dwells Deep Within Earth’s Crust

Aboard a drillship in the Indian Ocean, geologists pursued their mission to bore a hole thousands of feet through the seafloor to reach the Moho, the mysterious and never-before-penetrated boundary between Earth’s crust and underlying […]

Can Animals Live Without Oxygen?

Can Animals Live Without Oxygen?

In 2010, a research team garnered headlines when it published evidence of finding the first animals living in oxygen-free conditions at the bottom of the sea. But a new study led by Woods Hole Oceanographic […]

Lush Life, Deep Down

Lush Life, Deep Down

Scientists find an active ecosystem of bacteria, archaea, and fungi in the sediments far beneath the sea floor.

WHOI Scientists Garner Awards in 2013

WHOI Scientists Garner Awards in 2013

As the year 2013 ends, we profile scientists who recently received awards and recognition for their work.

What Doomed the Stromatolites?

What Doomed the Stromatolites?

About a billion years before the dinosaurs became extinct, stromatolites roamed the Earth until they mysteriously disappeared. Well, not roamed exactly.

Stromatolites (“layered rocks”) are rocky structures made by photosynthetic cyanobacteria. The microbes secrete sticky compounds […]

The Harshest Habitats on Earth

The Harshest Habitats on Earth

With help from ROV Jason and a new, high-tech sampling instrument, scientists discover that even in a hyper-saline realm, with no light and no oxygen, under crushing pressure, life still finds a way.

An Ocean Instrument Is Born

An Ocean Instrument Is Born

Every new ocean instrument goes through growing pains. But the Submersible Incubation Device, nicknamed SID, has been a particularly long time coming.

It started more than 30 years ago as a gleam in the eyes of […]

Fungi Flourish Below the Seafloor

Fungi Flourish Below the Seafloor

Scientists have discovered a previously unknown diversity of fungi living far beneath the seafloor throughout the world’s oceans.

“Walking in a forest, everyone knows how important fungi are on land in decomposing fallen trees, leaves, and […]

Internship Pairs Scientists and Students

Internship Pairs Scientists and Students

Falmouth Academy has established an internship program with scientists at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. The program requires students in grades 9 to 12 to apply to their chemistry, physics or biology teacher for the […]

Of Predators, Prey, and Petroleum

Of Predators, Prey, and Petroleum

Protists are the Rodney Dangerfields of marine microbes. Although marine bacteria emerged as heroes in the Deepwater Horizon affair, gobbling up vast amounts of spilled oil and gas, few people paid much attention to protists—those […]