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News Releases

Linking Climate Change Across Time Scales

What do month-to-month changes in temperature have to do with century-to-century changes in temperature?  At first it might seem like not much.  But in a report published in this week’s…

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A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words…

ImageSource, a new database of images and illustrations representing years of ocean exploration, is now available to the public. Combining a number of visual libraries and collections at the Institution,…

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Walrus Calves Stranded by Melting Sea Ice

Scientists have reported an unprecedented number of unaccompanied and possibly abandoned walrus calves in the Arctic Ocean, where melting sea ice may be forcing mothers to abandon their pups as…

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Gliding from Greenland to Spain

In May, the Spray glider will attempt to set yet another record when it will begin the roughly 2,500-mile journey from the tip of Greenland to the coast of Spain…

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The Last Voyage?

The Deep Submergence Vehicle (DSV) Alvin finished a five-month overhaul in Woods Hole in early April and returned to sea April 19 aboard support vessel Atlantis for what may be…

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Stamina in the Stream

Despite a ship strike that caused significant damage and harsh winter conditions, a surface buoy and mooring have survived a record six months in the Gulf Stream, recording both atmospheric…

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Daily Dispatches from Hawaii

Several hundred WHOI scientists and engineers will join the nearly 3,500 researchers at  Ocean Sciences 2006, jointly sponsored by the American Geophysical Union, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, The…

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How Does Iron Get Into the Ocean?

Marine scientists and engineers have created a new tool to track an essential ingredient on which life in the oceans depends: iron.  The instrument, deployed on a buoy off Bermuda…

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A View from Down Under

While it may be summer in the southern hemisphere, it is still very cold on Antarctica, where WHOI researchers are conducting a number of projects on and around the continent. …

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Deep Submergence Vehicle Alvin Overhaul in Action

Watch the latest progress on the overhaul of the three-person submersible Alvin at The sub has been ashore in Woods Hole, Massachusetts undergoing overhaul since November and will be…

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Who Goes to Sea Wishing for Bad Weather?

Some physical oceanographers do, even if it is in January in the North Atlantic. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) scientists will spend two weeks this month working south of the…

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