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News Releases

Alvin Is Going to Pieces…Again

The Deep Submergence Vehicle Alvin will return home to Woods Hole in mid-October after two years and be taken apart right down to its titanium frame. The scheduled refit and […]

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A Trip for the Record Books

Research Vessel Knorr will pass another milestone in its long career when it reaches one million miles traveled for ocean science this month. The 279-foot ship is working in the […]

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Studies at the Top of the World

Two Institution scientists spent the past six weeks crossing the Arctic Ocean from Barrow, Alaska, to Svalbard, Norway, onboard the Swedish icebreaker Oden, which has been working with the U.S. […]

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2005 New England Red Tide Media Briefings July 14

WHOI:  Shelley Dawicki

508-289-2270   or 508-566-7017 (mobile)

NOAA:  Ben Sherman
202-253-5256 (mobile)

Spring 2005 brought the worst “bloom” of the toxic alga Alexandrium fundyense since a massive outbreak occurred in 1972 […]

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Life in Extreme Environments

Scientists have long known of organisms adapted to environments that appear inhosptable to any form of life, living in the 600-700??F waters of hydrothermal vents on the sea fl oor, […]

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