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Stephen Stimson Associates Recieves Award for WHOI Campus Landscape Plan

March 2, 2002

The Falmouth-based landscape architectural firm Stephen Stimson Associates Landscape Architects is receiving a prestigious award for work on the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution’s new Quissett Campus master plan.

The Boston Society of Landscape Architects will present a 2001 Merit Award for landscape master planning to Stephen Stimson Associates at a Society gathering in Boston Thursday evening.

The annual award program recognizes worthy work done by landscape architects located in Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont for work done both inside these states and elsewhere. The award jury is made up of distinguished peer professionals in the field of design, planning, research, and academics. Award categories include residential, commercial, park and recreational area, urban design, and institutional landscape design, as well as landscape planning concepts in the areas of research, planning, and landscape planning/masterplan.

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution has been working with the Cape Cod Commission and other relevant groups since early last year on a long-range plan to accommodate future ocean research. A new road plan for the Institution’s Quissett Campus had been approved and implementation will begin some time this year.