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The Conjugate flow equations

Consider flow in a 2-layer system, where in one region we have uniform flow where the lower layer has velocity, c1, depth h1 and density $\rho_1$ and the upper layer has c2, h2 and $\rho_2$. For our purposes here we have that c1=c2=c i.e. both outskirts layer flow velocities are equal to (minus) the wave velocity. Suppose over some ``surge-region'', this uniform flow transformed into a distinct uniform flow where the corresponding velocities are now $c_1^\prime$ and $c_2^\prime$ and the depths $h_1^\prime$ and $h_2^\prime$. For our purposes here Benjamin (1966) defined such regions of uniform 2-layer flows as being ``conjugate'' to each other if

the fluid flux in every layer is equal in both regions i.e.

 \begin{displaymath}c_1^\prime h_1^\prime = c_1 h_1 = c h_1 \mbox{\ \ \ \ and\ \ \ }
c_2^\prime h_2^\prime = c_2 h_2 = c h_2
\end{displaymath} (1)

the momentum flux in both regions are equal i.e.
    $\displaystyle \int_0^{h_2} dy\;(p_t+\rho_2 gy+\rho_2 c^2) + \int_0^{h_1} dy
(p_t+\rho_2 gh_2+\rho_1 gy+\rho_1 c^2)$  
    $\displaystyle = \int_0^{h_2^\prime} dy\;(p_t^\prime+\rho_2 gy+\rho_2 c_2^{\prim...
...h_1^\prime} dy (p_t^\prime+\rho_2 gh_2^\prime+\rho_1 gy+\rho_1 c_1^{\prime\,2})$  
$\displaystyle {\it i.e.\ }$   $\displaystyle p_t(h_1+h_2)+\frac{1}{2}\rho_2 gh_2^2+ \rho_2 gh_1h_2
+\frac{1}{2}\rho_1 gh_1^2 +c^2(\rho_1 h_1+\rho_2 h_2)$  
    $\displaystyle = p_t^\prime(h_1^\prime+h_2^\prime)+\frac{1}{2}\rho_2 gh_2^{\prim...
...h_2^\prime +\frac{1}{2}\rho_1 gh_1^{\prime\,2}+\rho_1 c_1^{\prime\,2}h_1^\prime$ (2)

where pt and $p_t^\prime$ are the pressures at the top surfaces of the upper layers in both uniform flow regions respectively.
the energy flux in both regions are equal or, equivalently, we can obtain a relation by summing all the pressure changes round a large loop bounded by the upper and lower streamlines and with vertical ``arms'' in the regions of uniform flow. This latter form is more convenient when we consider ``free top-surface'' boundary conditions. In the rigid lid flat-topped case we have, from Bernoulli's equation

 \begin{displaymath}p_t - p_t^\prime = \frac{1}{2}\rho_2 (c_2^{\prime\,2}-c^2) \mbox{\ \ \ \ and\ \ \ }
h_1 + h_2 = h_1^\prime + h_2^\prime
\end{displaymath} (3)

or, alternatively, for the free surface case,

 \begin{displaymath}p_t - p_t^\prime =0 \mbox{\ \ \ \ and\ \ \ }
\rho_2 g(h_1+h_...
...^\prime-h_2^\prime) = \frac{1}{2}\rho_2
\end{displaymath} (4)

Applying Bernoulli's equation along the bottom streamline gives the difference between the bottom pressures, pb and $p_b^\prime$ viz.

\begin{displaymath}p_b - p_b^\prime = \frac{1}{2}(\rho_1 c_1^{\prime\,2} - \rho_1 c^2) \end{displaymath}

In either case, as the sum of the pressure changes round the closed path must add to zero,

 \begin{displaymath}\{p_t-p_t^\prime\} + \{\rho_2 gh_2+\rho_1 gh_1\} + \{p_b^\prime-p_b\}
- \{\rho_2 gh_2^\prime+\rho_1 gh_1^\prime\} = 0
\end{displaymath} (5)

With h1, h2 given, the above effectively constitute seven equations in seven unknowns, $h_1^\prime$, $h_2^\prime$, c, $c_1^\prime$, $c_2^\prime$, $p_t-p_t^\prime$ and $p_b - p_b^\prime$. However they are easily reducible to virtually two equations in two unknowns, that can be taken as c2/gh2 and $h_1^\prime/h_2$, that can then be easily solved by the Newton method.

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