Syllabus - Fall 2001
Course Description
Calendar Milestones

Syllabus - Fall 2001

Class/lab meeting times: Tues. and Thurs. 12:10 - 2:00
Class/lab room: Harrington 302 (Tues.) and 303 (Thurs.)

Tuesdays are the usual lab days and Thursdays the usual class day. However, lab and class work will occur whenever needed and some weeks will be all lab work, both Tues. and Thurs.

Required equipment and supplies:

  • access to e-mail and Internet
  • calculator
  • two computer diskettes (avail. at bookstore)
  • one lab notebook (avail. at bookstore)
  • a three-ring binder is recommended to store loose papers

The course grade will be determined by attendance, class participation, and written material submitted for part of the final report. Written material will be submitted on an on-going basis all semester. There will be no tests or final exam. Attendance is required. One absence will be permitted without penalty. All other absences, whether excused or not, will lower the final grade by 2% for each occurrence. Lab notebooks will be reviewed by Dr. Sichel and returned to students. The date of collection will be in December and will be announced in advance.

Cadets will supervise and mentor the high school students who will participate in the laboratory portion of the course.

Course grade:

  • 30% participation
  • 45% written contributions to final report
  • 25% lab notebook records