Manual Sections
Data Acquisition
Preparing to Run ARTOA-II
Program ARTOA-II
Appendix A: Input/Output
Appendix B: Related Programs
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APPENDIX B: Description of related programs

1. Preparatory Program

   Toalaunch.m is used before ARTOA-II is run when there is a problem identifying 
sound sources.  It  is  particularly helpful when a sound source is deployed or 
recovered during a float-mission, since ARTOA-II only identifies sources at the 
start and end of the mission (including delayed-start missions).  Toalaunch uses 
the sound-source file and a file of float locations (called LSdata.dat) in the format:
[fltno ID   launch-date   lat     lon    surface-date   lat    lon]
563 25282  200402181324  45.362 -48.500  200404250517 40.909 -50.875
564 25316  200402181404  45.315 -48.467  200403090536 42.845 -49.473

It produces a file of estimates of Times of Arrival (in deciseconds) for launch (Lch) 
and surface (Sfc) locations of the floats in the file above:
            flt#563    flt#564
sosoA Lch   6245.55   6248.99
      Sfc   6583.08   6434.00
sosoB Lch   4418.29   4419.95
      Sfc   4762.34   4599.81
sosoC Lch  11455.20  11453.62
      Sfc  11663.09  11538.37

2. Plotting Programs

   There are four main plotting programs:
plotfloattrack.m, plotfloatprops.m, plotdisp....m, and plotvec_and_sosos.m.
These programs are not part of the official ARTOA-II package and are run separately.

FUNCTION plotfloattrack(trackfile)

  Function to plot up float track from the rfc*.rfc file, on  top of bathymetry.

  New 2-minute-interval or 1-minute-interval bathymetry must be prepared for each 
ocean-area - download from GEBCO (http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/gebco/gebco.html) 
or get the CD-ROM from http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/fliers/01mgg04.html

   05 February 2000, H.H.Furey.
   USAGE: plotfloattrack2( 'rfc346.rfc ')
   CALLS: merc.m, lab_geog.m, XXXbathmap.m ...
          needs data file XXXbath.mat in path
   INPUT: trackfile - name of track file, i.e., rfcnnn.rfc,
                      IN SINGLE QUOTES.
   NOTE: MAY want to edit the following constants defined in program;
         "titletext" - plot title,
         "tickint" - x- and y-axis labelling increment.
         "labelrot" - rotation angle for date labels along track.

FUNCTION plotfloatprops(trackfile)

  Function to plot up float properties: pressure, temperature, u-velocity, v-velocity, 
  and u-v stick plot, using the data from the rfcnnn.rfc file.

   04 February 2000, H.H.Furey.
   24 November 2000  CMW revises to get mission from header.
                     and read Artoa-II output (rfcnnn.rfc)

   USAGE: plotfloatprops( 'rfc384.rfc ')
   CALLS: pullfloatprops.m, high_calendar.m, gregor.m, 
                 scaled_stick.m, nanmin.m, nanmax.m
                 (must be in path else edit line number 51).
   INPUT: trackfile - name of track file, i.e., rfcnnn.rfc,
                      IN SINGLE QUOTES.
   NOTE: MAY want to edit the following constant defined in program;
         "div" - axis marker width


        Function to plot all float displacement vectors on bathymetry
   with sound sources (optional).  20 April 2000, H H. Furey.

   11 July 2001 M Pacheco changed figure window to orient landscape
   USAGE: plotdispXXX, where XXX denotes the experiment
   CALLS: merc.m, lab_geog.m, XXXbathmap.m ...
          needs data files XXXbath.mat and XXX_LSdata.dat in path
   NOTE: Will/may want to edit the following constants defined in program;
         name of data file where experiment's launch and surface data stored,
         currently XXX_LSdata.dat
         "ax" - axis where vectors plotted.
         "tickinc" - axis tick increment.
         "sosofile" = name of source.dat file << This read source.dat - OOD

  CREATE XXX_LSdata.dat, which has the following columns:
[fltno ID   launch-date   lat     lon    surface-date   lat    lon]
563 25282  200402181324  45.362 -48.500  200404250517 40.909 -50.875
564 25316  200402181404  45.315 -48.467  200403090536 42.845 -49.473

FUNCTION plotvec_and_sosos(fltnum,lims); plots with user-defined limits                      plotvec_and_sosos(fltnum); plots extent of bathy data

   Function to plot a single float displacement vector on bathymetry,
   with sound sources.

   20 April 2000, H H. Furey.
   USAGE: plotvec_and_sosos(384) - plots vec for float #384
          also requires special launch/sfc file - as above
   CALLS: merc.m, lab_geog.m, XXXbathmap.m ...
          needs data files XXXbath.mat, XXX_LSdata.dat, 
          and source.dat in path
   INPUT: fltnum - float number you wish to plot up.
         lims - [west east south north], user defined limits,
                if this variable not entered, program dafaults to 
                plotting all data in window.
   NOTE: May want to edit the following constants defined in program;
         Name of data file where experiment's launch and surface data stored,
         currently XXX_LSdata.dat
         Name of source file for experiment.
         "tickinc" - axis tick increment.

3. Other Programs


   Converts the output of ARTOA-II to the legacy Floater format.  This is a 
Fortran program.  The only input required is the full name of the input file. 
Any extensions after .rfc will be added to the extension of the resulting 
.pri file.  The information in the header is lost, as is the quality coding, 
but the dates are Gregorian.

   A number of plotting, smoothing, etc., routines exist for Floater format, 
and it has been used for the ASCII data for the WOCE Sub-surface Sub-surface 
Float Data Archive.  These programs can be accessed at http://wfdac.whoi.edu.