Research Highlights

Recent WHOI Marine Mammal Research

August 23, 2013

Marine Mammals Meet Modern Medicine

To study whales, scientists use instruments designed for humans
Source: Oceanus Magazine
Whale FM
July 25, 2013

Caller IDs for Whales

Crowd-sourcing helps sort marine mammal vocalizations
Source: Oceanus Magazine
May 21, 2013

Tangled Up in Fishing Gear

What scientists learned from a right whale named Eg 3911
Source: Oceanus Magazine
 Seismic Studies Capture Whale Calls
February 8, 2013

Seismic Studies Capture Whale Calls

New software could reveal songs amid the sounds
Source: Oceanus Magazine

WHOI Marine Mammal Research (Archive)

October 5, 2012

What Is the Sound of 130 Wind Turbines Turning?

Researchers record undersea sound at offshore wind farm site
Source: Oceanus Magazine
April 17, 2012

Fats In Whales' Heads May Help Them Hear

Study shows first evidence for auditory fats in baleen whales
Source: Oceanus Magazine
January 5, 2012

Whale Heads and Tales

A student probes the mysteries of whales' hearing
Source: Oceanus Magazine
December 14, 2011

The Latest Fashion in Bowhead Whale Songs

Why do cetacean crooners change their tunes?
Source: Oceanus Magazine
November 10, 2010

Are Whales 'Shouting' to be Heard?

Whale calls get louder as noise levels rise in the ocean
Source: Oceanus Magazine
July 22, 2009

Buoys Help Avert Whale-Ship Collisions

Specially engineered mooring system detects whales and warns ships
Source: Oceanus Magazine
May 19, 2008

Pilot Whales the 'Cheetahs of the Deep Sea'

Researchers reveal first glimpse of whales' high-speed, deep-diving hunts for squid
Source: Oceanus Magazine
February 15, 2008

The Sound of Sonar and the Fury about Whale Strandings

Navy and scientists join efforts to learn more about marine mammals' response to sonar
Source: Oceanus Magazine
January 23, 2008

Melting Ice Threatens Polar Bears' Survival

Decision to put bears on federal endangered species list is imminent
Source: Oceanus Magazine
December 20, 2007

Stranded Marine Mammals Stir Tough Decisions

Experts propose guidelines for when to rehabilitate, release, and euthanize
Source: Oceanus Magazine
October 11, 2007

Put the D-tag on the Manatee

Digital device is enlisted to help prevent boat collisions with endangered species
Source: Oceanus Magazine
August 9, 2007

Eavesdropping on Whales' Mealtime Conversation

A graduate student journeys to Norway to investigate how orcas orchestrate their hunt
Source: Oceanus Magazine
July 12, 2007

Following Whales Up a Creek

A conversation with marine mammal biologist Michael Moore
Source: Oceanus Magazine
July 3, 2007

The Deepest Divers

D-tags give scientists in-depth records of whales in the depths
Source: Oceanus Magazine
abandoned walrus pup in the arctic
June 5, 2006

Abandoned Walrus Calves Reported in the Arctic

Melting sea ice may be forcing mothers to strand their pups in deep water
Source: Oceanus Magazine
June 20, 2007

What Does It Take To Break a Whale?

Stress tests on whale bones aim to help endangered species
Source: Oceanus Magazine
marine mammal laboratory at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
May 11, 2006

Mass Strandings Keep New Marine Mammal Facility Busy

In its first season, WHOI lab becomes a hub for cetacean research
Source: Oceanus Magazine
humpback whale
March 29, 2006

Caught in the Middle of the Marine Mammal Protection Act

A law designed to protect animals sometimes hinders research that could help them
Source: Oceanus Magazine
March 22, 2006

What Brings the Food that Brings the Whales?

Scientists investigate delicately balanced ecosystem off Alaska
Source: Oceanus Magazine
January 20, 2006

To Find Whales, Follow Their Food

WHOI biologist employs an array of tools to reveal right whale feeding habits and habitats
Source: Oceanus Magazine
North Atlantic Right Whale
January 19, 2006

Diving into the Right Whale Gene Pool

What is compromising the endangered species' ability to reproduce?
Source: Oceanus Magazine
North Atlantic Right Whale
January 17, 2006

Doing the Right Thing for the Right Whale

WHOI Right Whale Initiative accelerates research to help conserve an endangered species
Source: Oceanus Magazine
Eric Montie surfing
October 24, 2005

Scientific (and Surfing) Safari

On and off the job, a MIT/WHOI graduate student displays his passion for the ocean
Source: Oceanus Magazine
dead finback surrounded by sharks
September 19, 2005

Big Whale, Big Sharks, Big Stink

R/V Tioga sent into action to perform whale necropsy at sea
Source: Oceanus Magazine
North Atlantic right whales
August 25, 2005

In and Out of Harm's Way

Shipping lane changes proposed to prevent collisions with whales
Source: Oceanus Magazine
April 19, 2005

How to See What Whales Hear

Biomedical imaging reveals new insights into marine mammal ears
Source: Oceanus Magazine
Even sperm whales get the bends
April 5, 2005

Even Sperm Whales Get the Bends

Source: Oceanus Magazine
A lone voice crying in the watery wilderness
April 5, 2005

A Lone Voice Crying in the Watery Wilderness

Source: Oceanus Magazine
Playing Tag with Whales
March 16, 2005

Playing Tag with Whales

Engineers overcome nightmarish specifications to create a dream instrument
Source: Oceanus Magazine
Run Deep, But Not Silent
March 16, 2005

Run Deep, But Not Silent

A new tagging device lets scientists 'go along for the ride' into the underwater world of whales
Source: Oceanus Magazine
Scientists Muster to Help Right Whales
November 4, 2004

Scientists Muster to Help Right Whales

With time running out, an ambitious research plan is launched for an endangered species
Source: Oceanus Magazine
Whither the North Atlantic Right Whale?
November 3, 2004

Whither the North Atlantic Right Whale?

Scientists explore many facets of whales' lives to help species on the edge of extinction
Source: Oceanus Magazine