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Research Highlights

Oceanus Magazine

The Synergy Project

The Synergy Project

February 15, 2013

Back in my high school, and maybe yours too, kids naturally separated into cliques—jocks, punks, preppies, hippies, and at the extremes of the mythical left- and right-hemisphere brain spectrum, nerds and the artsy types. The latter two never spoke to…

Seismic Studies Capture Whale Calls

Seismic Studies Capture Whale Calls

February 8, 2013

In November 2012, the California Coastal Commission met to consider a request by Pacific Gas and Electric to study a geologic fault that runs along the central California coast just 300 meters from the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant. The…

Bacteria Hitchhike on Tiny Marine Life

Bacteria Hitchhike on Tiny Marine Life

February 1, 2013

Amalia Aruda knows that tiny marine creatures have big impacts. Some can kill you. Aruda studies some of the smallest animals in the ocean—barely visible crustaceans called copepods and the bacteria that hitchhike on them. These include Vibrio cholerae, the…

A Day in the Life of a Phytoplankter

A Day in the Life of a Phytoplankter

January 24, 2013

Earth’s vast oceans teem with innumerable microscopic plants that make the fertility and abundance of the United States’ Grain Belt look like, well, a drop in the ocean. These tiny phytoplankton are essential to life on Earth, says biologist Sam…

What Is the Sound of 130 Wind Turbines Turning?

What Is the Sound of 130 Wind Turbines Turning?

October 5, 2012

Federal officials examined a long list of potential impacts from the nation’s first offshore wind farm, slated to begin construction in Nantucket Sound in 2013: effects on ocean vistas, airplane and boat navigation, water and air quality, fish stocks, migrating…

News Releases

New harmful algal blooms report

July 23, 2024

Updated national science strategy for harmful algal research and response builds on major accomplishments, findings.

Alexandrium cutlures

The Detection of a Massive Harmful Algal Bloom in the Arctic Prompts Real-Time Advisories to Western Alaskan Communities

July 10, 2024

The potent toxicity of the 2022 HAB event “posed an unprecedented risk to human and ecosystem health.”

Desertas Petrel

Groundbreaking Study Reveals Oceanic Seabirds Chase Tropical Cyclones

July 9, 2024

A new study reveals that the rare Desertas Petrels, a wide-ranging seabird in the North Atlantic, exhibit unique foraging behaviors during hurricane season.

Yawkey 2023

Yawkey Foundation and WHOI present: Ocean & Climate Outreach Series

June 25, 2024

Looking for a fun, free, interactive way to learn more about the mysteries of the ocean? WHOI & the Yawkey Foundation present the 2024 Ocean and Climate Outreach Series.

CTD Recovery

New Technologies Revise Scientists’ Understanding of the Oxygen Minimum Zone

May 21, 2024

A new technology detects trace amounts of oxygen in an environment where previously these life-supporting molecules were below the limit of detection.

News & Insights

Predatory fish could lose 40 percent of habitat by 2100, study finds

August 9, 2023

Shark superpowers, science, and social media

July 27, 2023

MIT-WHOI Joint Program student Jaida Elcock celebrates Shark Week and shark awareness in this Q&A

Life In the Dark: The Polar Night

July 5, 2023

At the northernmost year-round research station in the world, scientists brave frigid temperatures and perpetual night to solve an ocean mystery. The team is trying to figure out how some of the tiniest animals survive at a time of year when their main food source is not available.

Deep Sea Parasites Flourishing in Marine Ecosystems

June 29, 2023

WHOI’s Jaida Elcock and Lauren Dykman explain why parasites may be a sign of ocean health

Dolphin moms use baby talk with their young

June 29, 2023