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Research Highlights

As the World Turns and the Oceans Flow

As the World Turns and the Oceans Flow

Ocean Conveyor’s ‘Pump’ Switches Back On

What Makes the Great Ocean Currents Flow?

What Makes the Great Ocean Currents Flow?

The Ultimate Fluid Environment for Scientists

The Ultimate Fluid Environment for Scientists

'Green' Energy Powers Undersea Glider

‘Green’ Energy Powers Undersea Glider

The Spiral Secret to Mammal Hearing

The Spiral Secret to Mammal Hearing

Corralling the Wild and Wooly Southern Ocean

Corralling the Wild and Wooly Southern Ocean

OceanInsights for the Blind

OceanInsights for the Blind

A New Way to Monitor Changes in the Arctic

A New Way to Monitor Changes in the Arctic

A Warm Eddy Swirling in the Cold Labrador Sea

A Warm Eddy Swirling in the Cold Labrador Sea

The Ocean—Captured in a Box

The Ocean—Captured in a Box

Measuring Raindrops in the Ocean

Measuring Raindrops in the Ocean

Letter from Kangiqsujuaq

Letter from Kangiqsujuaq

Current Events off Antarctica

Current Events off Antarctica

Why the West Wind Wobbles

Why the West Wind Wobbles

Reaching Up Into Perilous, Icy Waters

Reaching Up Into Perilous, Icy Waters

A Mooring Built to Survive the Irminger Sea

A Mooring Built to Survive the Irminger Sea

Four WHOI Researchers Recognized for Contributions to Science and Engineering