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Louise Stone

February 25, 1996
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Raymond Rioux

February 17, 1996
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Joseph Warecki

January 13, 1996
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Harry Rougas

August 11, 1995
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Beverly Morrison

August 7, 1995
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Harold C. Armstrong

July 19, 1995
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William E. Collins

June 26, 1995

The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution announces with great sorrow the unexpected death June 26, 1995 of William E. Collins. Bill, on-site project manager for WHOI??A?s new research vessel Atlantis (AGOR-25), had an apparent heart attack while at work at Halter Marine in Moss Point, Mississippi. He was 51.

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Carole Richardson Merson

April 23, 1995
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Thomas Fulham

March 30, 1995
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Eugene J. Mysona

March 8, 1995

The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution announces with great sorrow the death March 8, 1995 of retired Chief Mate and Master Eugene J. Mysona of Woods Hole at Falmouth Hospital after a brief illness. He was 78.

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