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The Latest Fashion in Bowhead Whale Songs

The Latest Fashion in Bowhead Whale Songs

December 14, 2011

Whales, it turns out, are dedicated followers of fashion. There’s a style to the song they sing to attract mates, and that style shifts. To keep up with their very…

Tracking an Elusive Chemical: Estrogens

Tracking an Elusive Chemical: Estrogens

December 2, 2011

On a crisp October morning, our small boat bobbed gently 10 miles offshore. The sun glinted off the dark blue surface of Massachusetts Bay and directly below us, all of…

The Ocean's Tiny Chemists

The Ocean’s Tiny Chemists

November 23, 2011

Once as I was flying cross-country over the middle of the United States, the woman in the seat next to me remarked: “You know, in Nebraska when there’s a game…

Between the Beach and the Deep Blue Sea

Between the Beach and the Deep Blue Sea

November 10, 2011

Capt. Ken Houtler laughed when I remarked that I didn’t know the sun rose this early as I boarded his ship last summer. Now climbing aboard again in January, I…

A Drop in the Ocean is Teeming with Life

A Drop in the Ocean is Teeming with Life

October 20, 2011

“The universe is made of stories …“ —Muriel Rukeyser There are countless stories in every drop of seawater. But with a cast of millions and more plotlines than a daytime…

Psychotherapy for Plankton

Psychotherapy for Plankton

September 9, 2011

The scene: A diatom is out of its oceanic habitat and on a couch, talking to a therapist. The diatom is stressed. It can’t ever seem to get enough nutrients.…

From Pac-Man to the Seafloor

From Pac-Man to the Seafloor

June 24, 2011
Where the Food Is in the Sea, and Why

Where the Food Is in the Sea, and Why

February 1, 2011

When you’re on a boat 50 miles south of Cape Cod on a calm day, the water around you may look flat and relatively featureless. A few hundred feet below,…

Tracking a Trail of Oil Droplets

Tracking a Trail of Oil Droplets

September 17, 2010

In the days after oil began gushing from the Deepwater Horizon well, scientists sought quick information on where the oil was traveling in the depths and how it might be…

A Torrent of Crabs Running to the Sea

A Torrent of Crabs Running to the Sea

July 16, 2010

Joanna Gyory’s Ph.D. plans changed completely when she saw the crabs. It was her third or fourth day at the Liquid Jungle Lab, a research facility on an undeveloped island…