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Shellfish's Mysterious Pathways to Adulthood

Shellfish’s Mysterious Pathways to Adulthood

November 19, 2008

With a cool ocean breeze under a cloudless sky, children weave small sailboats through the channel. Larger boats scurry out of Waquoit Bay to fish in Nantucket Sound or spend…

A Tag Fit for a Porpoise

A Tag Fit for a Porpoise

November 13, 2008

In 2003, Stacy DeRuiter arrived as a graduate student at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), where a new device developed at WHOI was sparking a revolution in marine mammal research:…

How Does Nature Deal with Persistent Pollutants?

How Does Nature Deal with Persistent Pollutants?

October 22, 2008

Why would I choose to spend my years in graduate school up to my elbows in foul-smelling whale blubber? To explore how some of the most notorious man-made pollutants reach…

One Man's Swamp Is a Fish's Nursery

One Man’s Swamp Is a Fish’s Nursery

October 15, 2008

A parade of schoolmaster snapper swims by me, their neon yellow fins directing traffic. Echoing in the background is the rhythmic crunch of striped parrotfish nibbling on coral polyps. I’m…

Corralling the Wild and Wooly Southern Ocean

Corralling the Wild and Wooly Southern Ocean

September 11, 2008

Matt Mazloff fishes out a postcard. It’s a simulated aerial view of the bottom of the world, with Antarctica in the middle and the tips of South America, Australia, and…

Testing the Waters and Closing Beaches

Testing the Waters and Closing Beaches

September 3, 2008

On a warm, tranquil evening this summer, Falmouth resident Annette Hynes took a friend down to Wood Neck Beach. It is one of Annette’s favorite local beaches, with a long,…

Biochemical Warfare on the Reef

Biochemical Warfare on the Reef

August 26, 2008

Just beneath the tranquil, clear waters of the tropical Caribbean, unseen by all but a few keen-eyed divers, two foes have engaged in a life-and-death struggle every day for thousands…

For Graduate Student, Research Is a Gas

For Graduate Student, Research Is a Gas

July 24, 2008

When you spend 40 days on a ship in the South Atlantic, enduring equipment failures, icebergs, and the occasional surly shipmate, you should at least get to see a few…

Antarctic Andrea

Antarctic Andrea

July 1, 2008

The sound of boots crunching on brick-red gravel filled the thin Antarctic air. Three scientists—geologists from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)—had been climbing for 30 minutes, staring at their feet…

Protecting Public Health by Preventing Pollution

Protecting Public Health by Preventing Pollution

April 3, 2008

Growing up in Maine, Desirée Plata watched her grandmother suffer from illnesses that she suspected were related to trichloroethylene-a colorless liquid, used as a solvent for cleaning metal parts, that…