The 12th MTS Buoy Workshop 2018

Michigan League
Ann Arbor, Michigan
April 9-12, 2018

The Buoy Workshop 2018 is sponsored by the Marine Technology Society, and supported by NOAA, the Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research, and the Great Lakes Observing System, Regional Association.

ONR/MTS Buoy Workshop

Site Tours

On Thursday, April 12, we will meet in the lobby and separate into two groups for site visits to a few of GLERL’s working areas.  The Tour will include up to 90 people. Foreign national conference attendees will be provided with our Foreign National Visitor (FNV) form when they register online, in order that all FNVs will be cleared ahead of the Tour. The Tour will be divided into two groups of 45 people each with the first group being bused from UM to GLERL at 1:15pm and the second group of 45 people leaving UM at 2:15pm.


1:15pm  Bus from UM Campus to GLERL

1:45pm  Welcome to GLERL in Lake Superior conference room; divide into groups of 15 each

2:00pm  Tour of MIL (15 min), High Bay (15 min), Lab/ESP (15 min)

2:15pm   Bus from UM Campus to GLERL with second group

2:45pm   Welcome to GLERL in Lake Superior conference room for second group;
                divide into groups of 15 each

3:00pm   Tour of MIL (15 min), High Bay (15 min), Lab/ESP (15 min)

3:00pm   First group returns to UM Campus

4:00pm  Second group returns to UM Campus

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