Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering Department Highlighted Research
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Oceanus Magazine Articles
November 23, 2005
Action, Camera ... Lights
New deep-sea “light post” illuminates the ocean's perpetual night
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November 18, 2005
Scientists Find a New Twist in How Squids Swim
In real life, squids behave differently than they do in theory
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September 1, 2005
An Experiment to Dye For
Researchers trace movement of water using airborne laser
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August 27, 2005
An Officer and a Graduate Student
Long-standing MIT/WHOI program offers master's degrees to naval officers
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August 18, 2005
At the River's End
WHOI scientists explore the complex dynamics in estuaries
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July 15, 2005
Red Tide—Gone for Now, But Back Next Year?
WHOI researchers extend investigations of the Alexandrium bloom of 2005 and look for signs of future trouble
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June 1, 2005
Seeing Red in New England Waters
WHOI researchers detect a massive bloom of algae before it hits the coast
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March 29, 2005
Building a Tsunami Warning Network
Preparing for the next big wave is only partly about science
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March 29, 2005
What Could a Tsunami Network Look Like in the Future?
WHOI engineers develop the next generation of ocean monitoring technologies
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WHOI News Releases
July 29, 2005
WHOI Scientists and Engineers Explore "Lost City" in the Atlantic
WHOI biologist goes to sea in a new way, using technology first envisioned more than 15 years ago.
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June 8, 2005
Scientists Map Ocean Floor Near Palmer Station in Antarctica
With inflatable boats and an underwater robot, a research team makes the first new chart of Antarctic waters in 50 years.
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May 26, 2005
WHOI Scientists Monitor Largest Red Tide Outbreak in 12 Years in Massachusetts Bay
Faced with a "perfect storm" of red tide, WHOI scientists share data quickly with public health officials.
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April 29, 2005
Salty Staircase in the Atlantic Provides Clues to Ocean Mixing
Although scientists have known about salt fingers since 1960, when they were discovered at WHOI, they have not understood their role in ocean mixing and the ability of the ocean to absorb heat, carbon dioxide and pollutants from the atmosphere. Results of a new experiment may change all that.
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April 1, 2005
WHOI Establishes Award to Recognize Contributions of Navy Admiral, Oceanographer
A former Oceanographer of the Navy and Rear Admiral who headed Marine Operations at WHOI has been honored with the establishment of a fellowship, presented for the first time to an Navy student.
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