ONR/MTS Buoy Workshop 2012 logos
The Buoy Workshop ‘2012 is conducted with support from the Ocean Engineering and Marine Systems Group of the Office of Naval Research, and by the Marine Technology Society, Washington, DC.

ONR/MTS Buoy Workshop

Exhibitor Information [ Workshop Registration | Exhibit Registration | List of Exhibitors]

NOTE Concerning Customs:  Materials coming to Canada from the United States or abroad will, of necessity, have to clear Canadian Customs.  The use of a recognized Custom Broker is STRONGLY recommended.

We again invite manufacturers and distributors of components and instrumentation for oceanographic buoy systems to exhibit at the workshop and display and discuss their products. Interaction between the workshop attendees and these organizations proved to be beneficial to both. We welcome the exhibitors again this year; their areas will be available for visits and exchange during breaks.

The Exhibitor fee for display tables is $300.  Exhibitors must register for the workshop before registering for a table and must attend the presentations. 

Exhibit Material Shipping and Receiving Instructions

Exhibitors can either ship directly to their hotel (contact hotel for any charges incurred) or ship boxes to the Victoria Marriott to arrive no more than two (2) days prior to the first event date. The Hotel will not charge for storing materials for up to two days prior and after the workshop.  Hotel porters will assist in moving these materials to the function room at no charge.

Extra charges will apply to over-sized boxes and crates.  Please contact t.kader@victoriamarriott.com or phone her at 250-480-3836 for further information.

The Hotel can assist in returning shipments provided the exhibitor has proper packed and addressed all packages accordingly.  It is also the exhibitor’s responsibility to fill out all commercial invoices required for shipments outside of Canada.  Shipping fees are payable by credit card.

Please be sure that all information below appears on your shipping label before mailing your material to the following address:
Victoria Marriott Inner Harbour Hotel
728 Humboldt
Victoria, BC V8W 3Z5

ONR/MTS Buoy Workshop | Date of Function | Fire and Water Location | Company Name | Number of Boxes

It will be the responsibility of the exhibitor to make arrangements for return shipping through the hotel bell stand or directly with the carrier. The Victoria Marriott does not assume responsibility for damage to or loss of any merchandise or article brought into the hotel facility.

Exhibit Location

Exhibits will be located in the hotel's Fire and Water Restaurant and will be allowed to set up their display between 3:00 and 5:00pm on Monday, March 5, and from 6:00am – 7:30am on Tuesday, March 6. Teardown will be between 12:00pm and 2:00pm on Thursday, March 8.  Please be respectful to limit noise during move in and move out times due to other events that may be taking place. The Workshop Committee retains the right to maintain standards of appearance and exhibit conduct in the best interest of the Workshop and the Exhibitors.  The Hotel does not permit the hanging of posters, announcements, etc., on the walls or furniture.  Gummed promotional stickers or labels are not allowed.

Terms and Conditions

All exhibitors must sign and return the following Terms and Conditions when submitting their registration. This can be either faxed to +1 508-457-2194 or emailed to jrizoli@whoi.edu

back to top Last updated 01/06/12