ONR/MTS Buoy Workshop 2012 logos
The Buoy Workshop ‘2012 is conducted with support from the Ocean Engineering and Marine Systems Group of the Office of Naval Research, and by the Marine Technology Society, Washington, DC.

ONR/MTS Buoy Workshop

Registration [Workshop Registration]

Registration Fees


The workshop registration fee is $600 for MTS members, $675 for non-MTS members, and includes a one-year membership in the Marine Technology Society. A $50 discount is allowed for early registrations before 5pm Monday, February 6, 2012. Registrations after February 6 and on-site are subject to a $50 surcharge. For students and retirees the registration is $270, with no discount for early registration. One day registration fee is $175, students and retirees $100. The exhibit fee for display tables is $300. Exhibitors are required to register for the workshop and attend the presentations.

Except for Tuesday’s dinner, the registration fee includes the ice breaker and the cost of all meals except dinner on Tuesday, refreshment breaks, and most beverages during the workshop.  Local bus transportation between the Marriott and the planned site visits to IOS and AXYS in nearby Sidney, and the Buoy Workshop 2012 Record on CD is also included.  The CD will be mailed after the event.

We will start off the workshop with an ice breaker on Monday evening, March 5, between 6:00 and 9pm in the Marriott's Pacific Room and end with a box lunch on Thursday March 8, the departure day. 


We again invite manufacturers and distributors of components and instrumentation for oceanographic buoy systems to exhibit at the workshop and display and discuss their products. The Exhibitor area will be available for visits and exchanges during breaks. The Exhibitor fee for display tables is $300. Exhibitors must register for the workshop before registering for a table and must attend the presentations.

back to top Last updated 01/30/12