Sample Preparation
Student Intern
Intern's Reports
week 1
week 2
week 3
week 4
week 5
week 6
week 7
week 8 

Report of Ann Bodio, student technician, third week of work, July 2002.

"The first thing I did was cleaned a few buckets and bags that were soaking in Clorox overnight. ...Rick and Andy got us 14 scallops from the cage outside off the ramp..One at a time I scrubbed some of the (algal) fouling off the scallops. ...Started mixing trial (of Ceramicrete) at 11:20 to 11:25...Mixture consists of 100 grams of cement (plus) 50 grams of phosphoric acid... I checked on the scallops from our first trial . The cement turned to a kind of sandy mixture and the scallops were swimming away....Then Enid and I tried a second trial (with Ceramicrete)....(and a third trial)...Third trial...we stuck shellfish to netting using the same adhesive at around 1:30. All the animals in test #2 all floated away."

"The first task I did today was I went into the (lab) to see if the Ceramicrete and phosphoric acid cement"