Sample Preparation
Student Intern
Intern's Reports
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week 8 

Report of Ann Bodio, student technician, fifth week of work, July 8-12, 2002.

"I helped Enid get our adhesive project started. ..I made an observation on which of our adhesives seem to be working. Smart Glue we had 12 scallops and all 12 of them are still attached. Bone cement (Stoelting) didn't work. We had 5 animals total when we (started) 2 attached. Ceramicrete we tested on 5 scallops and 5 scallops are still attached. Next Enid asked me to check the temperature of the water in the table where the adhesives (are being tested)...The water temp. was 22 degrees C. ...Enid and I scrubbed the 12 scallops...I dried the scallops one at a time with a paper towel."

"The hatchery stage of quahogs (is ending) and they are being distributed to different water bodies on the island. They put the quahogs in sand boxes. They are about 2.5 years old. This fall they can come out of their cage(s). I also learned that Edgartown keeps their shellfish for an extra year. Most of the oysters are for sushi."

"During lunch I talked to Amandine and I told her that Dr. Stevenson from the MBL asked me how we spawn scallops...Amandine told me that scallops spawn only once a year ...When Amandine drove me down to catch the 1:30 ferry, I saw a turkey with 3 babies."

"I cleaned the 'elephant' bag. It was pretty dirty and really had a horrible smell...the spawning season for quahogs in Massachusetts is in middle June to the middle of August...During lunch break Amandine was having Michael read (a) story in French and she would have him English. I hope to someday learn another language."

"I learned that (if a) quahog is in water containing too much sediment, it might starve...The following tests and their results are as follows: Stoelting 2 remaining scallops, Ceramicrete 7/8/02 there were 8 scallops remaining, Ceramicrete 6/24/02 there were 5 scallops. Last test was the Smart Glue and out of 12 scallops 12 are still attached to the netting...(The) average quahog is capable of spawning when it is two years old...Today was a fun day."