Sample Preparation
Student Intern
Intern's Reports
week 1
week 2
week 3
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week 6
week 7
week 8 

Project on Adhesives for Aquaculture

A student who participated in the fall 2001 semester Marine Adhesives class was hired as a summer intern in the summer of 2002 to work at the Martha's Vineyard Shellfish Group on the project on adhesives for aquaculture. She had just graduated from the Upper Cape Cod Regional Technical School and intends to enroll in a community college.

Our teaching goal was to have her learn some technical skills and some writing skills. She assisted with the day-to-day "housekeeping" chores of the aquaculture center, such as feeding the shellfish and cleaning the equipment. She also assisted with the adhesive tests. She kept a daily journal of her activities, and exerpts from her journal are collected in the links at right.


and Ann algae food

Student technician, Ann Bodio, assists shellfish biologist, Amandine Surier. The shellfish are always hungry! Shown above is the algae food supply.

Ann and Dr. Sichel at the MVSG. Rick Karney, the director, is shown in the photo on right.

Ann,Enid Rick